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Everything posted by chrisk

  1. I'm just thinking loudly... So Tommy's on a Spanish podcast. Well, there is no doubt at this point in the franchise's history and based on Robotech.com's traffic, the hardest of the hardcore Robotech fans come from South America... (don't they make 60% of RT.com's traffic or something?) Why didn't Tommy and Memo appear on Dougbendo's podcast? I thought they were best of friends... Memo also dropped news that Tommy's going to E3... this has probably got a lot of longtime fans really hard around the pants area... Of course, nobody realizes that Tommy will have to deal with the fact that "Robotech" as a game franchise isn't the same as it was when Battlecry came around... and that movie-tie in games in general SUCK HARD. Anyone see Iron Man 2, and the Transformers games? Now people are speculating that the Robotech movie-tie in game will be in the same quality as WB's other multi-million dollar titles like DC Online and F3AR... Wow... I'm reading too much into this...
  2. I couldn't resist, so I managed to find this quote from longtime Robotech fan rtsurfer: (My opinion is based on personal interactions with him in chats and from what others whom have met him in person told me) "Tommy Yune: He seems like an okay guy although he's unbelievably stubborn, very proud of himself and his work, and seems to be a know it all. He can be a brilliant artist, most of the work I've seen was good to very good. Writing skills seem average. Story telling not so good. Innovation sometimes good, mostly average. Knowledge of Robotech average, probably knows more about the OSM. Definitely closed minded and self reliant. Him and his brother (you don't want to know what I think about him ) wouldn't have been my choice for running the Robotech franchise. They would probably be better at running something they understand better." I rest my case. At this point, I firmly believe there are no depths this group would sink to to sell that damnable live action flick. As I've said years in the past, wait for San Diego. .http://robotech.com/gallery/galimage/viewgalimage.php?id=2040 You know... I wouldn't be surprised if the fighter's main colors were on a separate layer on Photoshop and there was a color changer bar with the message "Slide in case you need to repurpose old crap for naive fanbase" P.S. If you need your Robotech drama fix, I suggest you check out this wonderful thread at RDF-HQ, and weigh in your thoughts here: http://disciplesofzor.com/topic/2776/t/-Robotech-Fan-Podcast-show-on-Talkshoe.html
  3. On a side note, "Variety is reporting that America's favorite combining robot, Voltron, is taking a route more similar to the recently announced Thundercats revival than its big screen toy tie-ins brethren G.I Joe and Transformers. Marking the franchise's 25th anniversary, a new, animated 26 episode "Voltron Force, will run Nicktoons alongside Mattel toy launch in 2011. The last twist in the Voltron revival development saga had been a project reboot, with prior movie scripts discarded and a harder-edged, PG-13-rated Voltron OVA in the vein of The Animatrix and Batman: Gotham Knight is being discussed." Read more at http://www.aintitcool.com/node/45391 I kind of drifted away from the eternal tedium that is the Robotech franchise, but this news caught my eye. Why doesn't Tommy just give up his vainglorious Hollywood ambitions and go with a rebooted series to you know... DRAW IN NEW FANS (and leave Macross fans in peace). Isn't this what Uncle Carl would have wanted??
  4. Aww... Isn't that cute. It's like Macross and Mospeada made love and produced a really creepy looking bastard kid.
  5. And when it actually came to creating something quasi-original like The Sentinels... that's where the genius starts to fall apart. What a shame. I always wondered what the main reaction was during those first screenings of Shadow chronicles all those years ago. Was it "That was awesome! How did they achieve so much for so little?" or was it more like "Why the hell are all those cruisers and fighters lined up so perfectly?" Shunya is da bomb.
  6. I don't know about you guys, but from all the fan-fiction I've heard over the years, this has always seemed to be the best and most logical way to follow up Robotech (cheesy though it may be, but so what? Starwars is doing well with that bit). Unfortunately, Tommy had such a hard-on for Mospeada, at the same time wanted to appease "long-time fans", that we ended up with one of the most forgettable mash-ups in the history of anime. Maybe Harmony Gold's history of consitent failures prompted them to do something safe and benign, but I'd like to think it had more to do with the Creative Director's lack of vision. For the record: No, Tommy. You cannot recreate DYRL's scope and richness with your cheap CG. Don't even try. (If that's what you're even doing nowadays) Tommy thinks he has it tough with his few vocal critics? Try being Carl Macek back in the 80's.
  7. They actually tried to back in the day, but lets just say, there wasn't enough story... You'll have to ask Brian McAfee for the whole story about what happened there. Don't know all the details.
  8. Carl Macek must be spinning in his... nevermind.
  9. I'm really too shocked for words. It follows I suppose... Death of Carl Macek = fastrack your tacky movie project? Has Mav or MEMO weighed in on this? They're probably crapping their pants in excitement...
  10. Eh..? What does that make MEMO and Mav_LSC?
  11. Hey SIGHUP, I actually replied yesterday until I realized it wouldn't be appropriate with Carl Macek's passing. It makes me wonder, what's next? With Carl Macek gone, it seems like the Robotech "25th anniversary" finally has some significance, and not some excuse to hawk "limited edition" toys and comics. Will the Tatsunoko people show up to pay their respects in the next cons? It would be nice to hear your perspective SIGHUP on San Diego, and to hear what exactly are these guys going to do with this latest blow to the franchise. I was kidding about the tuna hat.
  12. *Sigh*
  13. Forget my post, my condolences to Carl Macek's family.
  14. I have to say, this simply affirms my firm belief that Shadow Chronicles is a "film" ripe with parody and nitpicking. Have you seen this guy's epic 70 minute Starwars: The Phantom Menace review? What's amazing about this guy is that he was more or less able to articulate why the Starwars prequels were such disappointing and ultimately terrible movies. At first, I thought I heard all the arguments on why the new trilogy sucked, yet he was able to come up with new points that had me laughing from start to finish. Now I know we've all had varying reasons why Shadow Chronicles is junk and probably should have been left in Tommy Yune's drawing board. But imagine a parody/movie review that delves into Robotech's impossibly convoluted timeline, or a brief history of how Robotech has humorously cannibalized story and merchandising ideas from the original Japanese Macross franchise time and time again, or maybe even an entire segment devoted to Carl Macek's failed Sentinels series and how it was more or less brought back by Yune due to fan pressure. I'm just throwing this idea out to any of the talented, charismatic, objective Robotech/Macross fan (sorry Dougie) who has a good microphone, some decent video editing tools. And don't worry about any Cease and Desist crap. It's in the realm of parody so you should be safe. Please wear the Tuna Hat. In the bondage gear of Sheryl. I'd love to see how MEMO would react.
  15. SIGHUP, would it be too much to ask if you cosplayed as a Macross character?
  16. Okay. I'll record it here for posterity... Yunetech comics will sell: Seto Kaiba = "gangbusters" UN_MARINE = "gangbusters" Alright! Diamond should have those numbers up a month after they're released. Can't wait. That's the thing. When Nemesis failed in the box office, studios and a number of fans knew the franchise was dead in the water. But for some reason, Robotech does not suffer this. Robotech fans refuse to believe the franchise has had a "downtime" since 2000. Don't believe me? Watch this fanboy: This guy talks about Robotech: Shadow Chronicles like it was released yesterday. And he talks about how the sequel "Shadow Rising" has a set release date. He talks about the upcoming live action movie, and proudly proclaims how Lawrence Kasdan is still involved. Lawrence Kasdan?!? *Sigh*
  17. I'm sure Carl must've loved his nickname. I have to ask, but does Tommy have one? I remember that... Is that one of the few comics where the characters were in DYRL uniforms? I'm actually very curious how these reissues will perform. Not to get too off-topic, but the comic market isn't exactly the same 10 years ago with competition from other mediums and formats. And like I said before, the suck is still too fresh in people's minds, unless Robotech somehow magically grew in the last ten years. Anyone wanna place bets on the numbers of Prelude when it hits the market?
  18. To answer all of Robotech's mysteries like the where in the world was the SDF-2, how long the SDF-1 is... Slightly off-topic, but I finally saw the first two parts of Megazone 23 and it was awesome to a certain extent. I haven't seen The Carl Macek Cut, but I know it sucks hard. I guess that makes me a... Megazone Purist? Yaaaaaaah P.S. Props to HappyPenguin for the Breetai facepalm
  19. Am I reading this right? They're reprinting ALL the Yunetech comics?? Yikes... But the memory of their suck is still too fresh!! Robotech Zero? HG sure has a weird sense of humor... Waitaminute. I recognize these features... They're from the TSC DVD, the supplemental material from the original run of the Prelude, and the Artbook!!! Fans must be really starving for 'new' content. Extra panels in the Prelude comics that hint of Shadow Rising? Oh. Let me guess. Tommy is going to reuse the "it was all a flashback" story device he uses in all his trashy comics.
  20. This may very well be a silly question, but where does MEMO and Mav really stand in the whole Macross license ownership? Does they believe HG owns all the merchandising and design rights to Macross? A recent post on RTX confused me...
  21. Not if you banned them all, dumbass. Hey, for all we know this guy could either be the next Peter Jackson... or McG. One thing's for sure... Tommy won't be showing his entire resume in the upcoming San Diego panel. I hear interesting things about The Losers though. Anyone surprised these three are the first to show up? 1.) "Blackchaos" / Blaqchaos 2.) Rhade 3.) aka_s2h
  22. I'd like to believe that when all this crap is said and done, disgruntled RT fans and even Macross fans still get the last laugh. HG can recite their spiel all they want in their lousy panels, but the truth will always hit them in the end. They can't fully exploit their most popular asset: the Macross license. They can take it out on the fans who hate their poo (the UEG guys being an example), but that's because they know they probably know they suck and they need Warner Brothers to bail them out. Yune's known to not take/handle criticism well, and its pretty damn sad he needs losers like MEMO to shield him from it. Pardon my French, but HG can go suck it.
  23. Must be another boring day at the Harmony Gold law office... In all seriousness, I hope Nenad doesn't take this crap lying down anymore.
  24. Isn't it funny how history sort of repeated itself, albeit with different results? When Robotech: Shadow Force was being developed, HG actually planned it as a series (don't ask me where I heard that)... very similar to what Carl Macek attempted in the 80's with Robotech: Sentinels. And like Sentinels' doomed development, HG couldn't get the budget off the ground and Shadow Force series was scrapped... and quickly combined made into the direct-to-dvd movie Shadow Chronicles. Luckily for Tommy though, they more or less had a "complete" story (no tacked on Hikaru/Misa wedding scene and Milia with 90's punk 'do), and with Funimation's backing they easily marketed this drivel as the continuation of the greatest story in the world, and the rest is history. At this point, all this talk of a sequel to Shadow Chronicles sounds like a really bad business decision. My concern now is this: would Tommy, and especially McKeever go so far to develop this movie just to say to the naysayers "Nyah nyah! We made Shadow Rising! Bleaaaah!!!"?
  25. Hey.... I resent that remark!!!!!! Kevin McKeever, if you're reading this: just because you work in a posh LA office, doesn't mean you can beat down us 3rd worlders!
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