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Everything posted by JCSaves

  1. The man has MAD SKILLZZZZZ!
  2. Cool. Am I one of those people? If not, then I got some work to do. No. That's for YOU. Too true. LOL.
  3. Well. I was close then right? I am just missing a few. I will soon have the 1J CF Commander and the VT-1 SO. I just don't have them yet. Edit - I guess I also need to get a 1S with Yellow for the TV Skull Squadron Leader? I apologize. I should have been putting these pics in the other thread. Since they are not really poses.
  4. I call this set - Progression.
  5. Oh I see. That's interesting that photobucket provides that sort of information. The pics of the 1D and the 1J are the same settings. I think the light and backdrop really make the difference. In that case I think I'm going to stick to the lower ISOs. It will make my pics look good.
  6. That's interesting. How do you do that. And thanks. Noisy? Does that mean the picture looks "grainy"? Thank you for the compliment. I can only get better from here though. I really need a 2nd lamp though.
  7. LOL Are Samsungs not good cameras? I bought this one for $100US on sale about 1 1/2 years ago.
  8. I use a Samsung S630. anime52k8 guessed it. He must have one to. Did the settings give it away? Here is test shot 3. I moved the light. I love this valk. I think I prefer the TV packs color over the Movie packs.
  9. Okay. I found a black background. I found 1 lamp. I think I may need 2. Here are 2 test shots of my new baby. Any pointers are more than welcome. Settings - F 2.8/7.1 1/20 ISO 100 Settings - F 2.8/7.1 1/30 ISO 100
  10. whatever. Vegas is great and all, but that pic right there is awesome! You 2 are both outstanding photgraphers of valks. I will have to see if I can keep up.
  11. very nice LOL! I finally found a black background hanging around the house. Now I just need to find some lamps.
  12. heh. Good catch. I'm sure there will be an easy fix for this. Edit - okay. Maybe not easy per say. But you guys will figure out a fix.
  13. you're right. He's not $90 cool. But of course, that's just BBTS' crazy high prices.
  14. These are my favorites out of the bunch. Great shots! You are a good photographer.
  15. I just went to the PO to pick up my latest OverDrive haul. All 1/60 v.2 VF-1s. 1A Hikaru w/SS parts, 1S Hikaru w/SS parts, and 1J Hikaru w/TV S parts. All to add to my 1D Hikaru. I love Hikaru. If Misa did not marry him. I would have. Poses will come tonight I hope.
  16. So far so good. Thanks Shawn! I had just been experiencing small spurts of these outages previously today.
  17. Me either...BUT, it's almost as if you read my mind. I was thinking while I was posting that post that I would really like to see another shot of him looking over to the left side while pointing his "rifle" over that way. And, BLAM! You did it! LOL
  18. THANKS! Oh SNAP ruskii. Look's like you got yourself some competition Comon MM, it looks like it is touching the glass. I'm going to have to deduct 5 points.
  19. Still a good job. It looks nice. There's Max, showing off again. He's a Jenius. SEE SEE...He does use a "studio"
  20. Here I'm trying a light blue background. I don't really like it. So I will try a black background I have next. I think it will help the valk stand out more. I also could use some better lighting. I will have to see what I can do about that. Well, these pics are for the flexi anyways. I am trying to get some cool poses. But I think ruskiiVFaussi has me beat for sure.
  21. Thanks I will. I was using the Auto White Balance setting. Not good enough I see.
  22. Great shots everyone! I love these flexi-stands. I need to get some of those new ones though. The older models I have are giving out here and there. Here are a couple pics of the Minmay Rescue from SDFM. You have to "imagine" that Minmay is in the grasps of the 1D for the first since I do not have a hand that will grasp her besides the "chicken" hands and that would take away from the pose. Also with the second pic...but at lease I have Minmay in the shot. I need a different backdrop.
  23. After taking another look, this pic is not nearly as good as your guys'. I need a different backdrop. I need a photo studio!
  24. I especially like the lighting on the right. You are pretty amazing with a camera.
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