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Everything posted by JCSaves

  1. I will have to see if I can get a PhotoShop program for cheap someday soon. Here's one of my 1J Hikaru. This was done with a Flexi Stand and has been added to that thread. It just seems that this thread needs more poses. Comeon people! "BOW TO ME MINIONS!!!"
  2. Here's a Flexi Stand pose that balanced quite well. I am posting this in the Strike A Pose as well since it seems that thread is starting to die off with no poses. "BOW TO ME MINIONS!!!"
  3. That Stealth never gets old. It's so beautiful. I cannot wait for the 1/60 version to come out.
  4. Geeee. I wonder why LOL Not a fan of the baby blue here.
  5. I enjoy this color more than what is already out.
  6. Well. If you "own it" the right way. It'll be slicked up in no time. ....... Gross
  7. Don't know where I've been to have missed this thread. Looks like my vote is with the winners.
  8. the whole thing is ugly.
  9. Or they just like to dick poor ol Roy around. That sucks Focker. Hope you get your items soon.
  10. F*in awesome! I love those revoltechs. I need to get some VF-1 Revoltechs so I can join the fun.
  11. I totally agree! I like the Yack Deculture! better though
  12. YUM!!! It looks so nice. Thank you for the gorgeous pics.
  13. Those are amazing! You do some great work. What program are you using?
  14. thanks! I may be able to try this tonight.
  15. That's an excellent inquiry. I would like to assume they would so I can get one. I haven't for that reason alone. In fact I am lucky enough for all my valks to be in good order.
  16. Thank you. I will take that into consideration. I still am using the same 1 lamp. I am thinking I may get what I need within a week.
  17. Okay then. I get it. I got a bit Cocky. But comeon now. I understand what you're saying. Unfortunately I am really bad about realizing some peoples humor or misinterpreting what someone is saying because I didn't factor in the smiley. My bad Dang. I'll be more considerate.
  18. Told you I would be back. 1S Hikaru - "Comeon boys, let's do our jobs and make sure all these people can enjoy the songs of Miss Minmei!" The Boys - "DECULTURE!!!"
  19. Now now. Either lock it or don't. Either way, there will be another Strike A Pose thread opened. Are you retaliating because someone says something not to bright? Why? Be the bigger person. You are the mod. Why respond? Responding shows weakness. Just chill on your thread lock trigger finger. We all want to have fun. And everyone else might as well place nicey nice by the rules. All in all. I'll prob be the one to get bitch slapped for trying to keep it real. Now lets do some f***ing Posing! Sorry.....charging my batteries....30 more minutes should do. I'll be back.
  20. Humor What's that?!? Too true and oh so sad. I love nude art. As does Miriya I see from his posting. You were not intentionally being offensive. No one was. Just someone cannot handle certain things and so be it. We will be forgiven. All of us will. Thanks for the contribution Mave. Your shots are always outstanding. AWESOMENESS!!! Great pose! LOL. Can't wait to see some more crazy cool poses from you Ruskii. Ouch. That had to hurt. I know I have seen this somewhere. I will search. I may not have enough time till later. By then you will have it I am sure.
  21. Thanks for contributing! Apparently there has been some offending going on. I do apologize. But then again. Taking the pic down from the pose is one thing. But my avatar as well. Well. Some people are just lame. I was reading through the Rules and Guidlines and I noticed it did not say anything about religion EXCEPT for "no religious discussion". So if there is no discussion can I have my avatar pic? Trying a different light. I don't believe there is a difference. I am going to have to get 2 lights and just quit messing around with this 1 light business.
  22. Well. I thought maybe I was the only one who thought that V.3 was getting a bit long. Although, truth be told, I was not. So here is to a new thread with some amazing poses. I will start it out with some of mine from the last version of the thread. JOIN ME! LISTEN TO ME POSE!!! against board conduct Now your turn!
  23. Thank you for the great reviews. This guy is so cool I might just have to pick one up.
  24. PERFECTO!!! Thank you so much. As soon as I get home to my computer I will switch my avitar. It's too time consuming to do it from my phone. Also, more pics to come. Ideas are welcome.
  25. Can one of you guys photoshop a cross in behind her and then add a "glow" around the edges? I would like that for my avatar. I am sure Vegas or Equimon have that talent.
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