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Everything posted by deathzealot

  1. Ummm... Raised Hand. Everyone is talking about a new trailer but I haven't even seen one yet. I just saw some Twitter messages about it. Where is this new trailer?
  2. As an add to this, just look what happened to the Jamming Bird later on in the series and how they failed.
  3. Hmmm... Somewhere around five thousand would be a good number if the Windermere had indeed two thousand Draken IIIs. Wasn't the QF-4000 a third the price of the VF-171? Since the Lilldraken is a bit smaller then Ghost it should be a bit cheaper then it. Or it would be a bit more expensive thanks to the extras it can equip like the jammer it equipped to knock down Walkure's drones.
  4. You know, I often wonder how many Lilldrakens Windermere actually had since they were used as disposable grunts or shields more then once in the series. Not to mention I wonder what its price happens to be when compared to say a full-on military specced QF-4000 Ghost Fighter. Also did every Draken carry Lilldrakens or was that only the mainline Aerial Knights?
  5. I always thought it was kind of similar to the fan-created Voyuer/Vixen Semi-Variable Unit from the Unofficial Robotech Reference Guide.
  6. You do know that there is a fanfiction about that right?
  7. Raised eyebrow. Really? I really do not think that we will ever know who actually happens to Lady M.
  8. Ah. Should have guessed. Variable Fighter Girls. Similar to that of MS Girls from Gundam. Thanks.
  9. What's that? And yes I would love to see some of the side stories be animated in some way. Like the Macross The Ride.
  10. Can anyone think of one during Delta. I cannot remember one right now but it has been awhile since I watched the series. I think there was one with that one Mercat but I don't remember it entirely.
  11. Shrug. I didn't see this thread earlier or I would have posted what I think about Delta over a year ago when I first watched the series. However, I did not see this thread and while I have posted elsewhere on what I think about the series I haven't put it into one large post like this one will be. So here we go. Cough. Okay. Delta first came out around the time I was still going to my local community college and I remember I had finally managed to watch both of the Frontier movies trying to watch them for around a year or so. I wasn't all that impressed with what I heard about the story of the series therefore I turned my attention to other fandoms. Since that was the time that I was really getting back into Gundam. Over the years since then I heard more about the series through clips posted on Youtube or through posts on forums like Spacebattles but it was only during late last year when I was preparing for writing for that years National Novel Writing Month that I buckled down and watched the series in its entirely. I was quite surprised to find that I did kind of enjoy the series more then I thought I would. While I did see that bit of magical girl in the series as some people mentioned it did not really turn me off since in my adulthood I have been more interested in Magical Girl anime then I was during my teenage years. So it actually made some things interesting for me. Though I should mention that looking back after rewatching the entire Frontier Series I can see that all of that so called magical girlness in the series is actually technology shown a couple of times during Frontier. Still it did not turn me away from watching the series. I actually liked the overall story and I liked the new Valkyries more then I liked the hero Valkyrie of Frontier the Messiah. Maybe it was because much of the fighting for Delta is on planets instead of the blackness of space but I loved the new Valkyries. I also liked the idea of the bad guys also having Valkyries themselves which was quite interesting. I also liked the Macross Elysion more then I did the Macross Quarter from Frontier. It reminded me more of the original SDF-1 then any other Macross series ship. I admit there were some things I did not like about the series as it went on, like Hayate refusing to wear a helmet or again not having any focus on the background Valkyrie pilots, but I got over that in time. After starting on the second cour of the series I was kind of leery for I had heard from some posts I have read that is were the story of the series starts going downhill. However, as I watched the second half of the series I found that I actually liked it. It wasn't good as the first half I admit but it wasn't all out bad in my mind. It had its pitfalls I admit but it was quite interesting. I kind of wish they expanded on the whole being out in space thing and having more refugees from the Cluster showing up over time but it was interesting. I also wanted them to expand a bit more on the Voldorians and their own resistance against Windermere a bit more. Still I did like this second half the series and I all out enjoyed the final battle for it was quite interesting in my mind. That said. As I mentioned there were plenty of stuff I really did not like about the series and some stuff I wished this focused more on, like a small amount more focus on the grunts of Xaos and NUNS, a bit more focus not on Xaos but the rest of the Cluster. You get the idea. With that said though I think that they used the time they had wisely. I really wished they had the series longer which would have allowed them to explore a bit more of these issues I had. Alright that is about it for this post. I hope I managed to get at one person to watch the series, but I do admit that it is not for everyone.
  12. Honestly. I think I mentioned it before but one major thing I want to see in the next Macross series would be Kawamori's original proposal for Delta which was a Competition between two different Valkyrie Demonstration Squads. I personally think that is going to be what the second Delta Movie is going to be about since the war story is over with the first movie therefore we could actually see that original proposal in some form with maybe a grand Walkure concert. Shrug. Just a guess. Still I have a couple of other ideas I want to see in the next Macross series. The first is something similar to that of the Megazone 23 series having two colony fleets getting into a war with one another. We had some of that in Frontier between the Frontier and the Galaxy but I want to have entirely being human vs human instead of being a backdrop of another human vs alien fight. I know we also got some of that in Delta but the Kingdom of Windermere are not really a human colony but a Protoculture seeded human-like alien race. Not to mention already established colony worlds. I want a war between two different colony fleets lightyears from any other human claimed space or colony. Just these two fleets that just decided to go at it for some reason or another. Anyways just an idea I would like to see. The second idea I have is maybe focusing on a human colony fleet encountering the Supervision Army in some form. Macross 7 had humanity fighting against the overall leaders in charge of the original Supervision Army the Protodeviln but not on the Supervision Army itself which is still in a constant fight with the Zentradi. Basically having a colony fleet stumbling into a portion of space that is a constant battlefield between a Zentradi Grand Fleet and a Supervision Army Fleet. I think that would be an interesting story and a different style from that of the original Macross. Okay. That is my couple of ideas for what we can expect for the next Macross series.
  13. Honestly, I could see a dedicated exploration of his relationship with that of his family. Mostly his father and that other man who is the adopted brother of Alto. Maybe, ending up with him end up becoming an actor in that one movie based on Macross Zero like what happens in the series itself but more of a central role. That kind of reignites his love of acting or something like that. That is the only real thing I can think of using Alto for if he never joins the SMS. You could also have him joining the regular NUNS Forces or something like that.
  14. Damn. Really, wish I did not live up in Northwest Vegas right now. Sigh.
  15. Raised Eyebrow. Escape Pods on Zentradi ships...
  16. Sorry. I screwed up there. I meant the original Super Cyclone the Devestator which for a long time was pretty much fanon was based on some concept lineart for the original series. Also I did not know those new Cyclones for the UEEF Marines book were actually concepts for Ride Armor. That does make some sort of sense. Heh. I could see those ships being cramped for Zentradi similar to World War II submarines for humans just with a hangar. It would be quite amusing to see the reactions of their older Zentradi crews when the ships are refitted for human crews. I believe the old Legend of Megaroad fanfiction says it best: "Love the extra leg room". Huh. You know I think it was mostly because the SDF-1 is orginally a Supervision Army Gun Destroyer and having that ship called a Zentradi Gunship would too close to that designation. Shrug. Just a guess. Also I agree. I still remember some Gundam fanon stuff. What? Where was that at?
  17. Huh. Did not know that. I remeber something about the Super Cyclone being something developed for the Mospeada series but never was shown, along with some of the new Invid mecha introduced in one of the more recent RP Books being similiar. Blink. I was guessing somewhere around 50 to 100 crew for the Picket, but that does make sense. I also recently started to believe that the Picket only had a small mecha complement and only of fighter pods. That said. That was only my head canon. Opps. I do not know where I got Monitor then. Could have sworn it was called that. Anyways thanks for the reply Seto.
  18. Not to mention they used some of the pre-production sketches for both SDC Southern Cross and Genesis Climber Mospeada for some new units for Robotech. That is if I remember correctly. The most amusing of those stats is for the Zentradi Picket Ship which claims it sports a crew higher then a hull like that can carry. Now if that ship was being crewed by regular sized humans then that would be a different story. Do not forget the big gun! Since only the Zentradi Monitors had them, officially anyways.
  19. Agreed. Most likely they remained Very Close Friends with one another for Isamu isn't the type to settle down. Though I would not be surprised if they make a try of a relationship but it backed fire soon afterwards.
  20. An interesting explanation. Thanks Seto for the answer.
  21. So question. You mentioned that information on variants and such earlier but I musk ask. Wouldn't having variants of a same model unit be cheaper then trying to develop a whole new unit for the same mission. Since these different variants would share parts thanks to them being pretty much the same unit with some differences.
  22. Honestly when I first watched Frontier I was not a fan of the Messiah visually, maybe because of the CGI and being in space, while I actually preferred the Nightmare Plus. It was only recently when I was rewatching Frontier that I started to like the Messiah more then I had in the past. Side note, I also right off the bat loved the Siegfried. Though that is visually not looking at the specs and what it has done during battle scenes.
  23. Interesting. Figured a movie set in the future would have a bit more ease of time and money to shoot such a movie like Bird Human (thank you forgot the name for it). Still I can see where you are coming from. On an aside. I did not know that Mihoshi Academy had their own Valkyries. I know they had the one display model on top of the school but I did not know they had ones that could be flown. Learn something new.
  24. Huh. If they could do that I wonder why the SMS crew didn't mock up a VF-0 for the Movie during Frontier?
  25. Jeez, Guys. You have been blowing up my inbox over the past two days with notices of new replies. Shakes head. Still, like to mention something in this discussion about Macross Tabletop Role-Playing Games. Back when I was young and dumb I ran several PBP RPs, or as I called them at the time Novel Type RPs, using a website called Rpol.net which has some neat tools and such for Roleplaying. Figured I mention it.
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