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Everything posted by deathzealot

  1. Or they are going to go with the new trend with anime and Stream on a site somewhere. Don't Jinx it Seto!
  2. You got a direct link to the Group. I cannot find it on the Facebook Group site.
  3. I would if I actually had a car currently. Shrug. I may make it next month if you guys are doing this again.
  4. Combat Training, yes, weapon training, no. In fact they were in combat situations plenty of times and never used a weapon at all. The closest being their own drones which they used as weapons a few times using them to knock infantry shooters out. Then there was Kaname's claws during their stealth mission to Voldore. I think of Walkure Kaname is the only one who does have some Weapon Training as she was asked that during her flashback to her interview. This was thanks to her home planet being a constant battlefield.
  5. What the heck did I just watch?? I also agree why in the world are they holding weapons? Is Walkure going to need to be using weapons in the movie??
  6. Huh. We are also getting a new Draken III as well? Or is it simply a repaint of the Draken III we already have.
  7. While I do not like how you mentioned it I do agree. I always assumed that with Frejya having such a short live as a Windermerian that Hayate would eventually get in a relationship with Mirage after Frejya's death. Though I cannot help but wonder if the two had any kids what their lifespans would be with being a hybrid Windermerian/Human. That is why I wanted to see a sort of trio emerging between the three. All three knew that eventually Frejya wouldn't be around for long therefore settled in a trio to make things work for the longer aged Hayate and Mirage when Frejya passed.
  8. Huh. I did not know that Messer was going to be transferred to that of Sephira. I need to rewatch that episode again. Thanks. Not to mention didn't Aisha had a hand in developing the VF-31?
  9. Laughs. Perhaps. Though I wonder the reason for them to appear in the cluster? Maybe the Macross Galaxy is indeed going to be the bad guys in this movie and the SMS arrive due to them kind of searching for the Galaxy during all this time. Or something similar to that.
  10. My guess, is that the YF-29 is not going to be from Xaos or even the Alliance itself, but is actually from the SMS. Since we know from some of the information about the VF-31 is that SMS had a hand in its development through Aisha. So for some reason SMS arrives in the Cluster and ends up in whatever fight is happening between Xaos and our new mystery enemy.
  11. You know with Gundam Hathaway Flash releasing on the first. It would be cool if we also got Macross Delta Zettai Live releasing soon as well.
  12. Ah. Then was that the Super Packs then? Could have sworn they called the entire unit the Armored Unit or something to that effect.
  13. Blink. Oh. That is from the movies which had only Arad and Chuck managing to make it back after the fight on Al Shahal. Both Mirage and Hayate were shot down and managed to sneak on board one of the Windermere Landers which then made it back to one of Windermere's Battleships. In the series there was the four remaining members of Delta Flight and an Armored Kairos in the fifth position on the flight deck of the Aether.
  14. Hmmmm... You know I really, really want to know more about who is piloting that Armored Kairos in the first picture. I believe I mentioned it before but it launches with the rest of Delta, then disappears soon after. My head canon, has it piloted by Robert Kino who takes over from Arad as the person leading the rest of Walkure's fighters in the fight allowing Arad to focus on Delta and fighting against Keith's Elite Aerial Knight Unit.
  15. @Seto Kaiba Have a quick question for you. Since it has been guessed by many that the new Delta 6 Siegfried that will be shown in the new movie will be most likely piloted by a Windermeran Aerial Knight, I have been wondering will there be any difference in that fighter over regular human-piloted fighters? By that I mean due to a Windermerean being a bit more sturdy then a regular old human could there be a difference in the Siegfried's equipment to reflect this like a difference in its ISC or Engines? Just a thought I had since the Delta 6 was first shown and many starting guessing that it would have a Windermeran piloting it.
  16. So, with a second chapter posted I figured I should post on this website that I have started a Macross Delta AU Story. Titled Knight of Xaos it follows the character of Dominic Udette as he joins Xaos and Delta Flight to protect his friend Freyja Wion when she joins the human idol group Walkure. Here is the summery for the story, Dominic Udette was quite content to continue his training at the Royal Aerial Knight Academy of the Windermere Kingdom before then graduating to join one of the Aerial Knight Orders where he could defend his family and home from any aggressor that came to their door. However, before he could fully graduate from the Academy he is summoned back home and asked by his family's liege lord to become the guardian of man's daughter, one of Dominic's closest friends, as she follows her dreams of joining the human idol group Walkure. From there Dominic and his new liege lady join in a wild journey as war is brought to their neck of the space. A war that will see Dominic fighting to protect the young woman he had sworn himself to defend...including from his own people. Links to the various sites I posted this story for those who prefer one of the following sites to read their fanfiction. Fanfiction.Net Archive of our own Spacebattles Sufficient Velocity Enjoy! And please tell me what you all think of it! Thanks!
  17. So someone just posted this link on another forum I sometimes swing by and I must say I am actually quite impressed. Basically the links leads to a repository of image/pdf archives of tons of scans for Artbooks, Databooks, and other such background material. It is a treasure trove of background information that looks to be usually only seen in Japan or at Anime Conventions. Figured I drop the link here for there is a whole subarchive for Macross. Enjoy! Main Link https://archive.org/details/@gunstarsilvergun?tab=uploads&sort=-publicdate&page=1 Macross Link https://archive.org/details/macrosschronicle30thanniversary0813episodesheet1 The downloads on are the right side of the screen with the central area having list of what is available in the archive.
  18. Also don't forget that thanks to the abilities of the Protoculture Ship the Windermere have in their hands, they are able to send their own fighters through Fold Space without any sort of booster system. Basically some sort Fold Portal System that allows the Windermere to send their forces anywhere across the Brisingr Globular Cluster. Later in the series Xaos manages to use this sort of Fold Portal System to their advantage and sneak Delta Team along with Walkure onto Windermere IV itself.
  19. While it is dead, I wouldn't call Robotech stagnant as it still has its fans and followers after all. Yes, actually I have read it. While I wasn't totally thrilled about it I still was interested in it. My step brother showed me it trying to get me away from Robotech a few years ago. Rollseyes.
  20. That is your opinion, but while I am a Macross fan I also like Robotech. I really wish they managed to keep Shadow Chronicles going for I was actually interested in where they would take the story in that. I also wanted to see what they were going to do with Robotech Academy. Sigh. However, that said I do understand why everyone does not like Robotech.
  21. Honestly. While I am glad that things are looking up for Macross thanks to this, I am a bit sad that Robotech may not be a thing anymore. Robotech was my childhood and the reason I got into Macross in the first place so if Robotech goes the way of the dodo (or already has been as Seto has mentioned) then I do not know what to think about this. Sigh.
  22. Here is the link for the Anime News Network article of the short... https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2021-02-06/macross-frontier-anime-gets-brand-new-theatrical-film-short/.169225
  23. Blink. Is that an official summary of the movie's story?
  24. Wait a second. Are those Draken IIIs flying in formation with VF-31As at @0:07 of the Trailer?
  25. Thank you! Wow interesting, but short trailer cannot wait to see what we are getting with this new movie.
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