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Everything posted by deathzealot

  1. Understood. Thanks for the help Seto. Hmmm... That is quite interesting and there is a sort-of bit of dimensions in there which I could use for what I need. Thanks.
  2. So I have a quick question about the overall true size for the Macross Quarter and the rest of its class. First of all, I am quite aware of the canon dimensions of the ship but there are a few out there who think the Quarter is quite larger than it is supposed to be really. I remember someone earlier in this thread or maybe another thread on this site did some calculations using some screenshots of the hangar and the elevators of the Quarter to come up with better dimensions than the canon ones. That was after they mentioned that it was quite hard to have the Quarter carry its official compliment not to mention the three Battle Suits of Pixie Team and the single Konig Monster. Shrug. Does anyone know where this post is or actually know the revised dimensions? Thanks in advance.
  3. Honestly. I think even if you do not like the movies you should go. As the more people, and money they bring, the easier chance we may get more Macross content coming to the United States in the future. However, that is just my personal thought on it.
  4. You are quite welcome. You can answer any other questions like that by checking the Macross Mecha Manual.
  5. It should be one of the Macross Seven OVA add-ons. There we go it is Macross Dynamite 7, Episode 2. Check out the Macross Mecha Manuel page for that particular fighter.
  6. Ah! So this book may end covering the Production Type Kairos then? Hopefully! Also Seto I do hope it is better then the Siegfried as I remember your thoughts on it.
  7. Huh. I wonder if it is going to cover a bit more on the original VF-31 Kairos. Did the Siegfried book cover any of that? I do not remember. I know it covered the prototype versions of the Kairos but not if it covered the production type Kairos.
  8. Hmmm... Along with the ARMD's engines as well it seems.
  9. Actually, if I remember correctly, one of the games actually had an ARMD used in a Daedalus Maneuver like attack on an enemy. I think it was one of the games that followed the "Do You Remember Love?" timeline.
  10. You mean Heinz vs. Yami_Q_Ray on the Macross Delta The Movie Absolute Live Soundtrack? Yeah. It is a bit interesting.
  11. Didn't they kind of do that with the Macross against the Zentreadi after they glassed Earth? I mean a ship version of the Itano Circus?
  12. You do know modern aircraft carriers actually have fast food restaurants in them don't you? Or at least that is something I heard second-hand from my Navy Veteran of a step-father.
  13. Shakes head. But the whole bit about the Oberth being destroyed by Anti-UN Terrorists was before the Mars Base One comic even came out. So where did that come from? EDIT: Now that I am thinking about it. I think it was either one of the early Robotech RP Books or some sort fanon timeline that someone made way back when.
  14. You know, one of these days I am going to go through with my plan on writing a fanfiction that really explores the Oberth Class before the first war. Maybe follow the Goddard when it went after the Anti-UN Controlled Tsiolkovsky. Though reading the Macross Mecha Manuel entry on the Oberth Class didn't the Tsiolkovsky destroy the Oberth as it was evacuating the Mars Base? Or was that something from Robotech?
  15. There is also the Island Jackpot From Macross Delta, that while simply being a smaller version of the Island One City Ship from Macross Frontier it is kind of a intermediate city ship design. That is what I used it for in my fanfiction stories. It could also be a sort of early Second Generation Colony Ship Design (i.e Macross 1 to Macross 5).
  16. Hmmm No. I think that is one of their daughters? Though I do not remember if any of their daughters have orange/red hair.
  17. Hmmm.... Yes. They mention it during Delta that Mirage is the granddaughter of Milia and Max. That is why she ended up leaving NUNS as people were expecting her to be like her Grandparents and she couldn't handle that pressure.
  18. I thought that is what she wanted when she was trying to get Mylene married in M7?
  19. Or Sayla Mass during Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. As her VA had other commitments at the time. Hence, Sayla getting only a brief cameo in the series and Beltorchika, a similar looking character, was introduced to the series to be Amuro's new Love Interest.
  20. Also while I do not think he is a Cyborg, but didn't Colonel Millard Johnson have a leg prosthesis or two?
  21. Sorry. But I always thought General Galaxy was started on a light note it was only later that it started to become what we see them being in say Frontier. Though now that you mention it yeah the whole BDI thing was a bit sketchy.
  22. Snort. The modern GG perhaps.
  23. Yes. That is the Gefion and is only a single ship so far upgraded in that way. The Macross Frontier/Macross Delta Northampton doesn't have the runways and such of the Gefion. That said from from what I remember about watching the Macross 7 episode with the Stargazer the fighters launch from those blue hatches as I mentioned. No idea on the interior of the ship for its hangars. I am sure one of the books will have some lineart of the hangars on a Northampton.
  24. It depends on the variant. For this M7 Version of the ship I think the fighters deploy via those blue painted hatches along the sides of the ship. Though for anything else you have to wait for @Seto Kaiba to come in.
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