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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. There are cements that work for polystyrene and ABS, like Humbrol's Liquid Poly. You apply it with a brush like your regular polystyrene cement.
  2. This won't upset many people, since the original is rather obscure I guess: Jacob's Ladder gets a remake/reboot
  3. Avalanche shoulder booster under construction:
  4. Just the right amount of shading & weathering. Great work!
  5. I still think it's good to have someone with a certain sensibility for what made the original movie good in an important place.
  6. From the link above: - I doubt that they'll go back to the (Manga) source material, the franchise is best known for the first Movie and S.A.C. And Scarlette can definitely pull off an Oshii Kusanagi.
  7. Scarlett is Motoko. Interesting to hear that Production IG is involved in the production.
  8. At least you can use the separated numbers if you paint your kit, but not the text ("Aether"?) and you have to cut the flash logos free.
  9. The X-Wing and the Star Destroyer are from the new Mecha Collection line. The kits are box scale, about 10 cm long.
  10. Protoypes are go: http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20160412/16/digitamin/6f/39/j/o0800045013618602581.jpg http://ameblo.jp/digitamin/entry-12149518204.html
  11. Live, die, repeat: http://www.imdb.com/news/ni59699522?pf_rd_m=A2FGELUUNOQJNL&pf_rd_p=2418398782&pf_rd_r=11X54TXPF90TA8PB3EWY&pf_rd_s=center-3&pf_rd_t=15061&pf_rd_i=homepage&ref_=hm_nw_tp1
  12. Where TFA was all 70s, this one ties more into the 21st century and seems to bring back the War to Star Wars. But I hope the team doesn't end up all comic-book-like X-Men/Avengers clones. Love the imperial alarm!
  13. Apparently, Bandai also re-releases a bunch of Frontier kits in June. Hobbysearch listing
  14. We can finally build our clone army: http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-2/bandai-2016年6月發售-模型-112《star-wars》clone-troopers-2400yen/
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