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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. TBH I think Dick's book was a convoluted mess with an anticlimactic narration and lots of ideas going nowhere. The movie is in an entirely different league in what is does with the core concept.
  2. Yes! Vintage mecha FTW. Getting further with mine, too:
  3. I find the recent iterations of old designs across the different lines and design teams (Metal Build, Robot Damashi etc.) far more interesting than another attempt to make a line art accurate kit. And the MG kit of the S-Gundams may be made from Katoki's designs (even under his supervision), but they're pretty half-assed in their execution and would look totally different if they were made today.
  4. Blade Runner Two is now Blade Runner 2049 http://www.slashfilm.com/blade-runner-2049/
  5. I still have an untouched MG S-Gundam in my stash (including the hip guns from an Ex-S) that keeps tickling me. I plan to go for the modifications that Naoki did for GHL magazine, but I'm still hoping for a decent conversion kit to come out in the mean time. Here's Naoki's version:
  6. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid...
  7. The Zeta 2.0 is perfect, but it's not a Katoki makeover. We definitely need a proper ver.Ka S-Gundam...
  8. A properly maintained paint job seems to generally have low priority in the Hellenic Air Force. This is from the operational days of their A-7s.
  9. Yeah, the proportions are totally off. The had nailed it pretty good with the 1/12 kit (also on the other kits in that line), so I wonder what went wrong here.
  10. Looks like the Disney Channel version of "Chronicle". Still better than expected, except the costumes.
  11. Main colors are in place, now on to some touch-up sessions
  12. If the Hot Toys R1 Vader figure is any indication, they found someone even smaller than Hayden to play the role this time...
  13. I saw you building the aircrafts of "le grande duc" on scalemates, is the Mistel in there, too? Any aircrafts finished from that series?
  14. Did the reviewer leave off that massive triangular antennae area on top of the bridge? It looks better that way.
  15. Dengeki has additional photos; it looks super sleek. http://hobby.dengeki.com/event/264545/
  16. The kit's nose looks a bit long, doesn't it?
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