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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. I think the S1 and S2 look the same? Anyway I just ordered a Fujimi Esprit, now I need a 1/24 Scarlette...
  2. The graphic novels actually had good plots, but judging form the trailer, this is more at home in the mindless action fun department. Like the 5th Element, it does have Besson's charm, though.
  3. Epic build! This begs for some cinematic FX shots.
  4. Insane 1/144 kit: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CvL2RlvUkAApqoO.jpg
  5. The first trailer was much better, still this looks like a good blend of superhero and old school adventure movie.
  6. Let's bring some order to the Galaxy...
  7. Of course you need some of these little fellows: https://hlj.com/product/WAVOP-435
  8. Mad Modeler Dorobou Hige has put some lights in the Mecha Collection kits: http://dorobou.blog.so-net.ne.jp/archive/c2306066498-1
  9. Apparently, the new Tamiya 1/48 Tomcat kit comes with markings for the Iranian Air Force
  10. I hope they don't stray away too far from the Gigeresque design into the hybrids of Alien IV...
  11. Holy shiny curves! http://www.taghobby.com/?p=143718
  12. But... you can now play Minecraft on your AppleTV...
  13. Make some space on your shelves:
  14. They do aircrafts and ships, too, and the quality is quite good (not Hasegawa or Bandai good, but their Flankers get good reviews). Let's see about the price, and if this will be widely available outside Russia...
  15. 60 cm Star Destroyer kit coming from Zvezda! https://www.facebook.com/Zvezda.Mode...98131456956327
  16. He also directed "The Wolverine"... Trailer looks pretty good, though, a welcome change from the abundance of aliens, super villains & cities falling from the skies. I also liked Mangold's "Identity", "Yuma", "Cop Land" and, of course, "Girl interrupted". All very slow films.
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