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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. It went from "Chronicle" to "Transformers knockoff + Cosplay" pretty fast.
  2. They try to make the Major more relatable with that backstory, because that worked so well in Aeon Flux?... Looks good, anyway.
  3. Yeah get rid of the elephant feet and it's a great design. I would give it a more medieval and weathered paintjob, though.
  4. They're not trying to get people into the cinemas with these posters, right?
  5. Revell presented prototypes for a new series of HALO kits at the Nuremburg Toy Fair. Coming in October.
  6. I'll be getting one, this is my favorite FAST-packed combo. I also need one of these: http://www.hasegawa-model.co.jp/product/sp355/
  7. So they want to attract a younger audience with decades old characters?
  8. Cool, just what I need. Thanks!
  9. I got the back blocked out, now I need some help: The film prop has a mesh area that would translate to 0.5 mm mesh width in scale. Can somebody point me to photoetch/military modeling supplies that would fit? TIA
  10. Just another day at Kusanagi Motors...
  11. The Cosmo Pulsar looks a bit overdressed and out of place in the context of 2199/2202 IMO, but it's a cool design on it's own.
  12. It still looks like a good movie, but that trailer was really lame compared to the first. All thumbs up for X-23!
  13. ^ completely the other way around for me for the stated reasons. Except I hate the Kanye music, too.
  14. Thanks. You can see more WIP pics here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/romansland/sets/72157628135010356
  15. The lower head profile is a major improvement over the original, it's now right between the Nu Galactica and the classic battlestar design. On my Galactica, I sprayed the light grey over an overall dark base coat in an irregular, cloudy pattern, picking out single panels. Shadow areas were pre-shaded with black. This should work even better with the Pegasus' larger panels.
  16. I really like your paint scheme, and I always preferred the Club-M over the Hase design. Panel lines look a little heavy, maybe try dark grey next time? Kajnrig, the Hasegawa kit has more of a real plane feel, whereas the Club-M is softer and looks more like what we see in the animation. What I like better on the garage kit is that it doesn't have the pronounced features around the nose like the outer lip and the step behind the front camera.
  17. Check out this cool Model Grafix cover
  18. It's the Italeri GR.3, which I think goes back to the same Esci kit as the AMT. Quality was surprisingly good with fine panel lines, but aftermarket decals are recommended. And I added 2 mm to the laser nose. - Your drives look pretty hardcore.
  19. I started work on the Majormobile. Fujimi Lotus Esprit S1, paper mockups for the body modifications.
  20. Another entry for my 1/72 air force:
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