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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. Works on Harriers, too
  2. More for my 1/72 Air Force. I need to re-shoot this with more depth of field for a proper composite.
  3. Once this little design flaw is corrected, it can start to replace the aging fleet of AH-64s...
  4. If it's from production artwork, it may be just an idea that they've been playing around with and that has been put back in the bin. Not all these changes are reflected in promo material that has a longer production time, like art books. Also, there's the chance that Mira is her fake ID and Motoko her real one. And finally, this is nothing that would kill the movie for me.
  5. How about one of these lo-vis schemes: To be fair, the kit's part was a good representation of Fujita's original design for the Hyper Zeta. I just wanted something I had envisioned when I first saw pictures of the kit back in '93.
  6. "Budgie" Applied facial surgery on my Hyper Zeta
  7. Must be those pesky Aliens bursting out of their chest...
  8. Kaiyodo recently announced a 1/24 Type Zero resin kit: https://twitter.com/kaiyodo_PR/status/831813071370805248/photo/1
  9. The first trailer had Walter (David 2.0) meet the original David in a Space Odyssey moment, we also see someone's dog tag in the Engineer's ship, so it should be the one they took at the end of Prometheus. Biggest unanswered question: Where did David get the Steinway?
  10. Looks cool, though maybe a bit too much backwards towards the original Alien. We have seen the burned bodies and the temple (?) set, so I hope we still get a look at the bigger picture at one point in the movie.
  11. Well, Dennis Villeneuve has proven that he can do slow burning movies.
  12. That's what you get for neglecting stealth...
  13. Bring on some space dirt!
  14. Hm, maybe it's a forced perspective model...
  15. Thanks for all the Harrier appreciation! Harrier modelers should check out this place for inspiration: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/60571-harrier-send-off-show-us-your-models/ @arbit I use Tamiya flat acrylics with my trusty Badger 350 airbrush, no need for sanding if you thin the paint properly. A cloudy overspray of thinned light grey was used to tie everything together (especially the vivid roundels) and to give some texture to the surface. Thinned watercolor for panel lines and dirt effects.
  16. Just taking off from my workbench: 1/72 Italeri kit.
  17. It would be an easy DIY mod, but I'm waiting for the Hasegawa kit.
  18. The nose cross section of the kit looks strange. Like they needed a narrow base for the canopy to be the bubble shape more pronounced, so the sidewalls are at a strange angle that continues into the nose.
  19. I finished the painting on the body of my Yel-Line kit. The dark parts were painted with Vallejo's acrylic Metal Color paint, which is just great to work with. Airbrush-ready from the bottle, odorless, covers very well, and dries within minutes.
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