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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. Point is, I was too entertained by TFA to bother about these issues. And if a character's story arc is pointless and happens to be un-entertaining, you can get the feeling that it was only added as an afterthought to the story to tick those ethnic checkboxes, as you so well put it, and that these checkboxes have a higher priority at the studio than a good story.
  2. The diversity starts to feel forced if the maker have little else to do for the characters than to represent a target group. The whole casino planet side quest did a huge favor to this perception. All these issues would be moot if the movie had delivered on the entertainment level. IMO neither the diversity nor the deconstruction of the lore were the main obstacles here, they're just additional fuel to the frustration about the dramatic structure.
  3. You could argue that an equal level of incompetence was shown on the "non-diverse" characters as well... What bothers me more is how the diverse characters are still molded from racial stereotypes.
  4. Nothing says Cyberpunk like a russian aircraft interior green in your cop car.
  5. Awesome! Thanks for the ride.
  6. Nice looking collection, hope we see Nadia next. _ I finally got to the primer stage on my Lotus
  7. Thom, do you have more pics of the Ki-46?
  8. Cool paintjob, and the plane has a really nice profile. Did you use a donor canopy?
  9. So guys, which kits did you finish in the past year? Here's my record for 2017 Pretty glad I got the Viggen done in one go, as that is a kit that would disappear into the stash for ages if I dropped the ball.
  10. "We can coexist, but only on my terms. You will say you lose your freedom, freedom is an illusion. All you lose is the emotion of pride. To be dominated by me is not as bad for human pride as to be dominated by others of your species. " (Colossus, The Forbin Project)
  11. Things will get interesting when the machines not only do the hard & dirty work, but venture into the realm of science & creativity. Which seems to be happening right now.
  12. What made this setup even more awkward was the abysmal character direction. Laura Dern had no leadership charisma whatsoever, she just came across as a bitchy art teacher. As for the other actors, it looked like Johnson was aiming to run more performances into the ground than Lucas. Remember the power of Isaac and Gleeson in "Ex Machina"? Here, they are degraded to TV-SF Serial material. At times, I felt pity for Carrie Fisher to be stuck up in this. Strangely enough, we got all these awesome moments from Hamill, Driver and Ridley.
  13. 1/24 MP5 SMGs for Batou's Lotus. These go into the door cladding.
  14. It also makes you wonder why they didn't scatter in those small ships all over the galaxy in the first place. It's not like the First Order had a firm grip on all known systems like the Empire.
  15. I always felt that Snoke wasn't needed in the new story ark that started with TFA. For an unstable character like Ben, wouldn't he fall for the dark side on his own, once he experienced the power at his hands, especially with his lineage? I still like the idea that he founded the knights of Ren from a band of fellow disciples of Luke.
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