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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. I grabbed a bunch of Bandai's Gundam Decals for the MG Unicorn in 1/100 and 1/144, so I can go Katoki on my kits. The recent sheet for the RG Sinanju looks promising, too. For the Hamma, I painted the pieces with a darker color, and then highlighted the inner surfaces with the final color. It's a bit tricky to find a graduation that is noticeable, but doesn't jump you in the face. A little un-evenness in the application breaks up these huge plain surfaces nicely.
  2. Anubis, I like your color choice and shading, and the subtle use of decals. _ I really enjoyed building my first RE/100 kit. I love their interpretation of the original design, and you get a lot of plastic for your money. Built straight from the box with minor details added. And yes, I switched the front skirts because I think it looks cooler that way. More photos here
  3. Just finished that Big Bad Guy More photos here
  4. I'm not sure if Star Wars is a franchise that needs something original in the first place. But JJ gave us Lost, so I'm confident he'll find a deeply satisfying end to the current trilogy...
  5. ^ so say we all...
  6. I still wonder which cruel twist of fate made a high profile artist as Brian Wood end up in this mess. I had high opinions on his work for DMZ and Channel Zero.
  7. Gazillions of P-Bandai spin-offs in 3...2...1...
  8. The robot reminds me of Titan AE
  9. You can't have too many thrusters...
  10. The Macross decals seem to be a special kind of bad. I don't have any problems with Bandai's Gundam Decal sets.
  11. I have tried this tape and don't see any advantages over the regular Tamiya masking tape. The white tape is stiffer, making it unusable on uneven surfaces or where you have to cross raised or recessed details. If you cut thin stripes from the yellow tape, you can make it follow curved contours as well.
  12. I mostly miss Nephtis, and I wouldn't mind a Jehuty with the Overkill Pack. Lots of the enemy grunts are also pretty interesting.
  13. Their ZOE and Armored Core kits are pretty awesome IMO Oh and the MG Rex (still have to build that). But they waste a lot of resources with their SRW & Frame Arm girlies etc. instead of finishing the ZOE line
  14. For a flat finish, you can build up several passes in one session. I mostly aim for a semi-gloss finish, since it produces nice highlights to emphasize the features of a design like an airplane, but also on Gundams. Here I put on pretty wet coatings, and let the paint dry in between. With white, it's mostly 3 or 4 sessions.
  15. I love this beast
  16. I primed the whole parts with a dark base color and highlighted the individuals surfaces, but for starters it might be easier to spray thin lines of black or dark grey just along the panel lines (this doesn't need to be very exact) and then cover the whole part with the final color, letting the shaded lines shine through.
  17. What's big, bad, and green?
  18. I need one to set it on fire...
  19. Proof that collective prayers do work: Bandai 1/72 B-Wing kit
  20. I like the sleek appearance and the reference to Mc Quarrie's style, although he stated that he just didn't have the time to fill in all the greeblies in his illustration.
  21. What a beauty! http://www.taghobby.com/archives/259383
  22. "Blue Circle Radar"
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