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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. IIRC, Wave started as a garage kit maker, and always had a more basic, anime style approach for their Macross kits (see their 1/100 Valks & Battroids), which works well if you don't hold them up against the hyperreal Hasegawa products, that come from an entirely different background. Unfortunately, Wave also carried over their pricing policy from the GK market, but then again, their kits cover a niche segment. And as bad as Bandai delivered on the VF-1, their Delta and Frontier kits come pretty close to the Hase offerings in terms of surface detail.
  2. The new nose lineart looks much better already! Do you think it would be possible to have a larger chamfer on the lower arms to make them appear less blocky?
  3. Man, while it hurts to see the disorder, I'm glad there was no greater damage! I actually remember an earthquake in my region in the 90s, happens every 200 years or so, I'm not keen on going through such an experience again. On top of the shock, a picture came down from the wall and smashed my precious AMT Speeder Bike kit. - Got things done today. A parting shot before this goes under the back of the Battroid: A couple of minutes and a handful of swearing later:
  4. ^seize the moment ("Kairos") indeed!
  5. Sounds like Area 88 to me.
  6. I just came up with my personal imaginary ending shot and all is well.
  7. Just back from seeing it. Toni Collette gave the performance of her life, and the kids were pretty intense, too. Awesome cinematography & sound design give the movie an artsy atmosphere, but at the same time it feels very real in the way the characters are presented. So I was glued to the screen and followed the slow, huge buildup, only to be let down by the ending. It's less about how it ended, but more how it was done, way too over the top & on the nose for my taste.
  8. https://hlj.com/product/kbykp-447/Sci https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10543539
  9. Note that there is a slightly cheaper Modeler's Edition that even comes with a gold plated canopy: http://www.taghobby.com/archives/288324 The regular edition has the red markings pre-painted.
  10. but Kylo looks like Rei's mother...
  11. Bandai's large Builder's Parts hands are pretty big. https://hlj.com/product/BAN977921
  12. Just dropping the news for the modelers here that Moebius/Pegasus Models are developing a 1/8 kit of the 2001 EVA Pod
  13. Our favorite replicant goes from La-La Land to The Moon! I like this trailer & hope the movie will bring back a bit of NASA's glory.
  14. Hm, I dare say that things were running pretty smooth for Star Wars until TLJ: TFA was massively hyped and gathered a new generation of fans, the actors were fine, the movie was fairly entertaining until you take a closer look, and it made tons of money - a pretty good place to start from. R1 brought a grittier, more mature perspective on Star Wars, again great visuals & acting, and Gareth Edwards was able to capture the spirit of a Star Wars movie, which IMO always relied heavily on nostalgia. And then came TLJ with it's multi-dimensional f#-ups, and all of a sudden Star Wars is toxic. Stay tuned for Episode IX: The last Hope
  15. I miss any references to the Roman Empire, and their display of power. This is where Mussolinin got a lot of ideas from, which then inspired Hitler, in terms of fascist aesthetics, not necessarily ideology. A lot of Eco's theses that are mentioned in the video go back to the military culture of the Romans. Picking up this train of thought leads us to the question - what has the Empire ever done for us?
  16. Idk, that's like saying we don't need any more movies with a historical context because we know how things ended already. _ To the subject of the OT droids, I read a long time ago that Lucas' concept of 3PO and R2 goes back to Freud's superego and id, with 3PO being all about control and restriction (as seen in his arms), while R2 is completely impulse-driven and full of hidden surprises. Naturally, 3PO fails all the time while R2 provides all kinds of helpful solutions, but also gets in trouble regularly.
  17. What I noticed about the marketing for Solo, it lacked momentum compared to TFA, RO, and even TLJ had at lead one trailer that made me think "Yes, this will be awesome". I don't remember any key visuals released for Solo that could compare to the Star Destroyer buried in sand or the Death Star construction from the previous new movies.
  18. Seeing all those rivets made me think that the Catseye would look awesome with a natural metal 50s era finish.
  19. Watch him in the Yorkshire Killer/Red Riding Trilogy. He's actually a really good actor and somewhat wasted in SM.
  20. I use Tamiya putty only in minimal amounts and switch to polyester putty for anything critical. Mori Mori was the brand of my choice, but it seems to have gone extinct. It's very easy to sand and to feather into the surrounding surfaces. I have something with muted red and some weathering on my mind.
  21. Frame Arms unit in progress
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