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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. There might still be a good movie in there, but the trailer puts me off even more than the first one. At the moment, I see another Spy Kids episode. I never imagined the Scrapyard in such vibrant colors, but more like a District 9 place. Let's see how the telenovela style mixes with the ultraviolence that is a cornerstone of the manga.
  2. I'd cut close to the canopy edge with a rotary saw tool for your dremel and the sand away the rest with coarse sandpaper or a file. The rotary cutter is very comfortable since you don't' have to apply much pressure when cutting.
  3. Frame Arms in progress
  4. In their defense, they produce some of the best Macross fighter artworks besides Tenjin's. I see them like DJs interpreting some original artist's work. Btw, is there any explanation for the brown/burnt iron (?) panel that runs around the lower half of the nacelles at the aft end?
  5. Are you modeling in C4D? Don't see that too often. Your shapes & proportions look good so far.
  6. Judging by other sources, the program will remain in development, it's just that mass production is postponed. One leg in the grave, one wing in the air.
  7. Bandai teased related plamo (figures) somewhere, but I can't find the link. More on July, 29th. http://www.taghobby.com/archives/294750
  8. Shouldn't there also be the live-size walking Gundam for the 40th anniversary?
  9. I primed everything with a mix of 16 parts sky grey, 2 flat green and 4 field green to get rid of the blue plastic color, then used a mix of 8 white, 3 sky get and 1 flat green as a highlight color (all Tamiya acrylics) The original plan was to build the Hase fighter (which is all prepped) in parallel, but I think I need something different in between.
  10. Here's the Master File's take on the issue:
  11. Almost done, just need to snag the Gunpod from Alto's machine.
  12. Yay Yukikaze! - Sexy legs:
  13. Always nice to see your work on these vintage birds, Hervé.
  14. I probably liked it a bit more than Jeremy, but I also share his main point of critique (Spoiler Warning, also for The Witch!)
  15. Looks like a more current setting vs. the vintage style of the animation. Personally, I'm much more forgiving when it comes to dialogue and character interaction in animated films. A one-for-one adaption could be quite awkward in this case.
  16. If there ever is a HD remake of AC3, I'd be the first one to jump onto the latest generation gaming hardware. That game was so cool on so many levels, from the aircraft designs to the story lines to the characters to the music. And the best part was that you had to put together this giant puzzle by yourself in the stone age of the interweb.
  17. IIRC, Wave started as a garage kit maker, and always had a more basic, anime style approach for their Macross kits (see their 1/100 Valks & Battroids), which works well if you don't hold them up against the hyperreal Hasegawa products, that come from an entirely different background. Unfortunately, Wave also carried over their pricing policy from the GK market, but then again, their kits cover a niche segment. And as bad as Bandai delivered on the VF-1, their Delta and Frontier kits come pretty close to the Hase offerings in terms of surface detail.
  18. The new nose lineart looks much better already! Do you think it would be possible to have a larger chamfer on the lower arms to make them appear less blocky?
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