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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. ^is that the 1/48 Hase kit? wmcheng & arbit, it's always a pleasure to keep you entertained. Next on this channel:
  2. Final steps on the Draken. For the cockpit, I made the two small struts inside the canopy from stretched sprue. And we have liftoff I have to paint & install the pitot tube and the position lights. Also, a set of missiles is on order.
  3. With this and Aquaman, we're approaching Karaoke acting. Action looks good, but the past Marvel films have set the bar for the characters substantially higher.
  4. Amazing work! But won't you run out of space when the "ammo belt" advances?
  5. Good job so far! Is the intake grill canon? Adding the recessed band should also get you closer to the iconic look of the backpack.
  6. Talk about missed opportunities...
  7. Maybe the missiles shoot missiles?
  8. needs more missiles...
  9. The toys continue to look better than the real thing
  10. I liked the "Blade Runner Black Out 2022" short very much, so this is good news to me: From Crunchyroll
  11. There are some interesting angles on the nose compared to the Hasegawa kits, it looks much sleeker. And I like the rounder cross section just before the canopy.
  12. 2:1 thinner:paint, light, low-pressure pass. Here's the upper side: I just learned that the red labels mark the spots where you're supposed to punch through the hull with a fire hose in case of an engine fire...
  13. The Twin Ion Engine is just around the corner...
  14. That is pretty mean!
  15. Thanks, guys, alway a pleasure to entertain you. Slide, I have seen photos of faded roundels on the underside of the plane, I guess they pick up a lot of dirt from the runway. But I mainly dusted them to tie them into the overall color scheme, I like to approach my builds with a baked-in atmospheric haze in mind. When I was younger, I noticed that my aircraft kits always looked more realistic in color after a thin layer of dust had settled on them, so now I try to get that look from the beginning. The Hasegawa kit is absolutely awesome, btw.
  16. Belly of the dragon Decals are flat coated and misted over with light grey to bring down the saturation.
  17. Saw it this weekend, and it's really special, though not a movie for everyone. I'd call it the antithesis to "The right stuff" or "Apollo 13", in that it refuses the viewer the superficial glory, but it puts a very human (and controversial) scale to man's journey into space. It's very convincing in portraying the physical and psychological strain at play, with masterful cinematography and another killer performance from Gosling and Foy. The narration is less anecdotical, but more impressionist in style, and it paints a strong, butdifferent picture from what we're used to that way. The movie probably leaves you glad you didn't choose "Astronaut" as a career, but it doesn't diminish the achievement of the people who did.
  18. Good concept (reminds me of Chris Bachlo's Steampunk comics), but I'm getting real tired of another "Chosen One" story.
  19. That scheme must have been quite a headache to pull off, but it was worth it.
  20. Beware the Decal Hell!
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