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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. There's also a HGUC Silver Bullet (Narrative Version) announced. A Mk-V can't be far.
  2. That is a nice cat you got there
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2017/feb/17/why-imdb-should-rethink-the-decision-to-close-its-message-boards Back in the day, IMDB forums were the one-stop-shop to find all the tiniest details about any movie, discuss open endings, identify bits of background music not listed on the official soundtrack, or generally discussing points of view, occasionally with people who were actually involved in making a film. (I also enjoyed most of the "100 things I learned from [bad movie]" posts). Yes there were ugly troll activities, but I can't remember them as any worse than what's going on on social media today. I also don't see how offing the forums could stop potential down vote campaigns against certain movies, since there were alway separate infrastructures. To me, it felt like a library was burned down.
  4. I'll still never forgive them for zapping the IMDB forums.
  5. Is that a DX repaint? _ I finally got around to touch up my Klan Klan figure.
  6. How many liters of paint so far?
  7. I think that the above brands just couldn't generate enough volume to justify their own in-house production line, so without the option of outsourcing, their products wouldn't be in a competitive price range. Outsourcing doesn't necessarily mean cheaper products for the end consumer, but that there are any products at all.
  8. Some more progress over the holidays: Happy New Year everybody!
  9. Finished pics at Hasegawa's product page! http://www.hasegawa-model.co.jp/product/cw15/
  10. New pics! Still not sure about the contours, but I'll get one anyway.
  11. Slowly getting there
  12. We need anti-drone drones...
  13. It's the Rogue One scenario. Somebody needs to get that shard to Aughra. "GARTHIM!"
  15. I love to see more of the Dark Crystal world, but being a prequel, it will lead to something quite gruesome.
  16. Visually ok, but the trailer was all over the place. I would appreciate less silly comic book humor and more of the drama that was a cornerstone of the comic. Still, I see Leni Riefenstahl in the list of characters, so bring in the Nazis! Oh, and Lobster Johnson is in there, too.
  17. I feel glad my first encounter with Macross was the first wave of Imai kits in local modeling stores, so I could skip all the RT stuff that came later.
  18. Can't wait for Alita:Desaturated...
  19. To me, the Manga always had a kinda Italo Western feeling, with passages of slow, calm idyl and outbreaks of insane violence. The makers of the adaption apparently were immune to that notion and went straight for the cool action poses etc. I could forgive that, if it wasn't wrapped in that plastic CGO overkill telenovela aesthetic that makes The Incredibles look gritty in comparison.
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