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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. Some parts of this kit were apparently designed to test your patience.
  2. That trailer is pretty good at hitting the 80s retro future vibe that would fit the subject. The guerrilla trailer thing did work out for the core design team of the fan made GITS intro, who ended up in the production of the 2017 movie.
  3. My original WIP on the Banshee was on a long lost forum, but I recently unearthed the photos and put them in a flickr album:
  4. At least they're not shifting the location from Tokyo to New York or something.
  5. Keep in mind that the pod race was filmed 20 years ago And while the technical capacities raise exponentially, the costs go down in a similar way. I think the directors that still use models today like Nolan (Interstellar) or Villeneuve (Blade Runner 2049) do it more for nostalgic reasons than artistic value.
  6. Major construction is nearing completion. I recommend glueing only sections of the larger parts at a time to assure good alignment. The holes for the horizontal stabilizers were to wide, so I glued a piece of plastic sheet inside the hull and drilled an appropriate hole. The front extensions need to be blend in. The parts provide a nice sharp edge. While the part fit is excellent in some areas, others are a mess. Polyester putty to the rescue. Fortunately there's no critical detail to re-scribe in this area.
  7. Some Cat notes: Diverging from the instructions, I recommend glueing the front extensions to the body before installing the intakes, as there's a nasty seam to putty which would lie inside the intakes later. I replaced the tiny actuators for the intake ramps with styrene pieces so I can easily drop them into place after the painting process.
  8. Fingers crossed for RE/100 Team Cyclops...
  9. I have high hopes for this project (and I never thought that Star Wars would ever need a Battlestar Galactica-like kick-in-the-butt kinda reboot), but I also hope that it will still look like Star Wars and not GoT IN SPACE.
  10. Your Defiant is coming along nicely, good luck with the decals. On a sidenote, I wonder how Hasegawa can do pencil-line faint engravings since the mid-80s, while AMT/Round 2/Moebius and their random current chinese contractor seem to use small tractors to plow their panel lines into the kits. It kills all their small-scale SF ships for me.
  11. I encourage everyone who liked the movie to pick up the Manga.
  12. They probably could have released the kit two years earlier at half the price if they had skipped the engineering process of these molds...
  13. More Star Wars fun for you, both kits seem to be super detailed. Your perseverance with the B-Wing really paid off, the weathering looks nice and balanced. With Hasegawa kits, I recommend checking scalemates for the year the molds were made, as they are reboxing a lot of kits with new decals or part additions. My Tomcat is from the late 80's, it's still a great kit, just not as great as the recent Tamiya version in terms of engineering. But at the time of it's original release, it must have been light years ahead of the competition. And today you can get it for half the price of the Tamiya kit.
  14. Beautiful work, but where's Nora?
  15. True bad luck, man. I always try to stay on the low end of complexity. Washing the kit just before paint application is always a good idea; in most cases, it's not the ominous mold release agent, but the residues of our own greasy fingers that gets us into trouble later. If the kit's plastic already has a fairly homogenous color and you're going for a weathered paint job anyway, skip the primer. If you're not applying decals with large transparent areas, skip the interim gloss coat. I prefer water-based washes like Floquil or artist gouaches to anything solvent-based. Add a drop of dish-washing detergent to the water if you're using gouaches to make the paint flow better.
  16. It's the 1/48 Hasegawa Draken, a great kit. Note that the Vallejo Aluminium contains some kind of flat medium that tends to clump at the bottom of the bottle, so make sure to stir the paint well instead of just shaking it before use, otherwise you have a very shiny aluminium.
  17. ^ nice to see new ideas on these classic designs. How could one resist this boxart? But really, it was somewhat an impulse buy. I was looking for a 1/48 pilot set for an A-4, then noticed that Hasegawa was releasing their late-80s 1/72 Tomcat as the NSAWC "Flanker", then I calculated that for the combined price I could as well get the old 1/48 kit and have two excellent pilots to make molds of. Masking the splinter camo would be the same effort as for the 1/72 version, and I would have a BIG bird on my shelf. There still are moments where I wonder if I had bitten off more than I can chew, though.
  18. I found that Vallejo Metal Color Dull Aluminium looks quite good. If you want an even duller look, you could give it a slight overspray with light grey. Vallejos are made airbrush-ready, but they work good with a brush, too. There's also Humbrol's aluminium, but it's darker, and I'm not happy with Humbrol's current formula. Another option is to rub graphite powder over a flat light grey base.
  19. Looks like I came to the right place This is the 1/48 Hasegawa F-14A, 2nd generation with slightly improved molds, but it's still a beast to build. I can go more into the details along the build if you wish.
  20. Watch out, superweeds!
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