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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. They are definitely not copies of those kits, those were much more simplified. That's some devoted CAD modeling here.
  2. Su-57 in different flavors
  3. One more trailer.
  4. I have actually yet to find an entry-level camera with the HDR capability of my iPhone 5 (with ProCamera app)
  5. I think it would be good to continue this topic in the photography thread for further reference. One thing I's like to add regarding camera quality is the importance of the dynamic range capability of the sensor. Especially on aircraft photography you'll want to avoid having the plane on a bleached out background or have beautiful clouds, but the aircraft is a black blob.
  6. Has anyone bothered to make a Starfleet Designer app? You could just randomly mate saucers, hull sections and warp nacelles and come up with the latest ship of the hour. No disrespect to Nilo Rodis, though, he designed the BoP.
  7. Bandai's awesome lighted Star Destroyer:
  8. The Berkut on a surprise visit at MAKS 2019:
  9. Just wait for the new Eurofighter...
  10. Some impressions: - Kilo and Rey are duking it out on the wreckage of the sunk Death Star (note the laser turret) - Nobody noticed evil 3PO? - Where are the Knights of Ren?
  11. You'll have to admit that the Su-57 does have the more innovative paintjob.
  12. A dirty but cheap solution would be to print one decal in white and then place the separate color decal on top of that, doing the registration by hand.
  13. My forces need Cute Air Support
  14. Let's see how this goes: A good time to watch the original again.
  15. Great work! It was a good decision to paint much of the decoration, and I love the subtle panel lining.
  16. I tried to get into Blender several times, but lost too much hair over that most in-accessible interface. Maybe I'm just too old. Good luck!
  17. I can tell that a few years of building current generation Bandai/Koto/Hase kits can spoil you for good
  18. Coming together nicely. Maybe you want to get back to this seemliness on the legs, stuff like that tends to stick out after you put much work on finishing the paintjob.
  19. The Moon Shooters are back! https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10077897
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