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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. A little less fancy than the "Frazor" that was circulating before. This is supposedly the camo scheme for the production aircraft:
  2. The old AMT kit isn't that bad and comes in a manageable size.
  3. Looks like a studio miniature from Martin Bower's workshop. Great cultural fusion!
  4. Well, the trailer does look good this time:
  5. Myself, I can't get enough of the Corellian corvette (since 1977). Did you notice the rebels were assembling under it's hull? Also, there's a B-Wing pilot's helmet on Rey's path. Nostalgia abound!
  6. Perhaps static electricity was the problem?
  7. Double WOW on your modeling & photography!
  8. Aramaki still holds on to the CGI approach that didn't work too well in Appleseed, only with cheaper models? I was hoping this would lean more towards Production I.G.'s "Black Out 2022".
  9. The Skylon still looks like a design from "Thunderbirds", which might not work entirely for it's advantage...
  10. Brilliant concept & execution!
  11. Luke, we have to talk about the eyeliner...
  12. Did anyone bother to watch this? The reviews make quite a Flopnik of it. https://thedigitalbits.com/columns/my-two-cents/092419-1400
  13. Yeah, but it was the badass kind of ugly.
  14. Big missed opportunity of a Ver.Ka release! Your Booster mods look great. Did you change the face, too?
  15. As I take it, the holes are drilled wider from the inside of the parts to make it easier for undirected light to pass through, hence no need for fiber optics. You can take a look at the instructions at Hobbysearch: https://www.1999.co.jp/image/10592754
  16. Aah, my eyes...
  17. I am surprised that the MKI can carry about 8 tons external loads, but the Rafale can carry even 9.
  18. The GMG conversion kit does a good job replicating the GFF design.
  19. I was blown away by Esmail's work on "Homecoming", so if there is to be a BSG reboot, I trust in him to find a new angle on the show. And I can't wait for the new Cylons.
  20. Why does only the pupil have an explosive cord on the canopy?
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