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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. Finish look fine, and I like the color. I think I would have drilled away the "eye" and find a clear replacement, but that would be a risky operation now.
  2. I always saw the beauty of Star Wars (the OT) in that it didn't give you any exposition except the opening crawl and then got right into the action. This also works for the sequels IMO. The info from the supplementary media is nice to have, but not necessary to get the story.
  3. And I though I was the only fan of the Discovery designs... They have some Syd Mead DNA in them, and I'd love to see them with a Mass Effect paint job. What is your plan in that regard?
  4. I am starting to wonder if the sequel trilogy had worked better as an OVA...
  5. My feelings exactly. And btw, did anybody else find the death screams of the female stormtroopers kinda off-putting? I mean, de-humanizing the evil goons so that our heroes can zap them without remorse is a cornerstone of the franchise, and it was an interesting impulse to dial that back with the introduction of Finn (and Jannah in this movie), so it felt even more wrong to watch the shootfest in the raid.
  6. It's pretty mean that they push a niche line like RE/100 into another niche.
  7. Syd Mead's art not only defined my vision of how the future must look like, but also my professional career. I hope he inhabits one of the countless worlds he designed now.
  8. This is the first sculpt, to my eyes, that gives the design an integrated feel, instead of being just a succession of blobs. Congratulations!
  9. I managed to channel my inner 15 year old self and enjoyed this movie. It got rid of the train wreck of TLJ that was tied to it's leg pretty quickly, and made the most of what was left of the arcs started in TFA. Writing was all over the place, but Abrams gets a much better performance from his main actors than Lucas could ever dream of, and the visuals were spot on. Looking back, a lot of the sequels' material should have been left on the cutting room floor - I think you could take 15% of TFA, 5% of TLJ and 30% of TROS and get down to a pretty solid 3h Star Wars movie with the Ben/Rey arc at it's center.
  10. I have not tried this myself, but a greater amount of thinner should do the trick. Alternatively, you can mix the base color with a clear medium like varnish to reduce the opacity of the paint.
  11. Surprise - it looks like any other 5th gen design...
  12. Pro tip #5: After painstakingly painting the parts over the course of a few days, throw them randomly into a box on the floor...
  13. This thread is buzzing as the year comes to an end! I got a long awaited letter from Moscow last week. Paint tomorrow if the sun shows up.
  14. I really like the way you implemented the head and how the beefier central body flows into the lower protruding part in the frontal view.
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