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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. My first EVA, the Kaiyodo garage kit by Akira Tani, built in 1997. And I should really complete one of my Reis after all these years
  2. According to Northrop Grumman, the B-1 packs even more than the B-52 The biggest task for the B21 is to come in under the of it's predecessor...
  3. My feelings exactly. And when Geralt and Ciri's meeting finally happens, the director apparently has no idea what to do with it and the moment just passes. The way the fall of Cintra is presented in the timeline prevents is from being that big, epic event it should have been, and what happens quite a few times in the series is that they have a lush establishing CGI shot, but never the physical sets to keep up the illusion.
  4. This is great news. But how could they mess up the legs so bad?
  5. Let Villeneuve finish Dune first and then directly move on to Neuromancer...
  6. Time for some shiny stuff - I recently put the finishing touches on my Hasegawa Fighter 1 kit and just got enough sunshine to snap some pics. More in the Crusher Joe thread
  7. Great clip, ty. For me, the show was a mixed experience. Cavill is awesome and kills it in every scene, but he makes it painfully obvious that the rest of the cast is not in his league, and so are the directors, IMHO. Still looking forward to the second season, but I hope they tighten things up a bit more.
  8. I don't pose the kits that much and just touch up any scratches I discover after the final assembly. In critical places, you can also sand away some material to give the parts more clearance.
  9. Derex, your collection surely deserves a newer mold TOS E, it looks like the same kit I built in my teens. Looking forward to see the complete fleet on display. @all, thanks for the flowers for the Sukhoi, you greatly help me to actually finish something once in a while, and it's always a pleasure to keep you entertained. Two more for now, need to get a pilot in there and build a proper stand. @wm cheng The only planned releases of Su-57 kits that I know of are the 1/48 ones. If you're looking for rivets, maybe Trumpeter will jump in sooner than Hase; the Zvezda kit is very basic in that regard, but the engravings are well done. And I'll get my popcorn ready for your build of the F-14.
  10. I used the EFSF hands on the V1 since the Builders Parts were not available back then. These are old pics, btw, I just used the V2 parts pic to illustrate my approach.
  11. Wow, Zeatrans, Starfleet and Drangonball - the new modeling year is on full steam! William, I cannot recommend this kit enough! If you are willing to wait, though - Kitty Hawk and Zvezda have announced 1/48 releases for this year. Yes, the exhausts are OOB parts, no need for resin here. For the camo, I used a masking set from Arma-Models (Ebay listing), they're absolutely sweet to work with. _ With all decals on the kit, I felt that the no step area markers looked pretty irritating. They're hair thin on the original plane and barely noticeable, but on the model they fight for center stage with the pixel camo. I decided that I could live with the appearance on the darker areas, but they needed to be dialed back on light background. I didn't want to put masking tape on the decals, so I carefully cut masks from transparent paper that would also give me the chance to create some kind of transition here. I then took a deep breath and applied a light dusting with the light blue: You can see the difference on the right wing vs. the original lines on the left wing. Repeat on other side: I'm much happier now with the overall look. Stay tuned for the finishing touches...
  12. The hands are from Bandai's Build Fighters support parts series, the "Jigen Build Knuckles". Size is perfect for the small Victory MS.
  13. Just regular Tamiya acrylics - light blue, flat white + gloss white in a 1:4:4 mix. I find it easier to maintain a (semi-)glossy surface from start to finish.
  14. I'm chewing through the Su-57's comprehensive decal sheet. The distinctive patterns for the back of the plane are in large pieces, and getting them in place without wrinkles is a quite nerve-wrecking affair. The Zvezda decals are the best material I worked with, though. Super thin but not tearing, they go down without setting agents. I also spent some time on the signature metal pattern on the Sukhoi engines. Fortunately, on the 509 the major part of the engine section is painted and you only have to deal with the exhausts. I used Vallejo's metal acrylics as a base and dusted them over with Tamiya flat acrylics for the different colors.
  15. I loved that scene, too, and massive props to the actors and JJ for pulling it off. This could have easily steered into total awkwardness (hello Anakin...), but the dialogue, and the connection, and the "I know" moment were flawless. On a side note, did Ben hotwire one of the legacy TIEs to get to Exegol?
  16. The color separation on the current HG kits makes painting pretty convenient. Cut all parts from the sprues and sand off the cut points, assemble parts of the same color and sand any visible seams, apply basic paint, paint the details, then on to the final assembly. Here's a pic from the process on my V2, the white parts have just been primed.
  17. FYI the old G-Unit kits will be re-released in April
  18. After nailing the design in the Damashi line, Bandai has my blessing to make a MG 2.0 of the GP-01. Also MG Gerbera-Tetra and PG Nu.
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