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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. The Aviationist article has even more drama: "Ironically (more or less), it was a technical malfunction that prevented the pilot from also being ejected from the aircraft along with the rear-seat passenger. The normal ejection sequence for a Dassault Rafale two-seat aircraft would cause both crew members to be ejected even if only one initiates the ejection sequence. This means the rear seat passenger accidentally pulling the ejection seat handle between their legs should have ejected the pilot as well. In this bizarre incident, both the front and rear canopies were disintegrated and ejected by explosive charge, the rear seat left the aircraft, but the pilot’s seat remained inside the aircraft. In other words, a technical glitch saved the aircraft."
  2. Marble is the new white...
  3. Some progress on the Fitter:
  4. My perception of Dune was always tinted by the the designs for the Jodorowsky film (by some dudes named Giger, Moebius, and Chris Foss...) that were floating around in Heavy Metal magazine and the likes, so I admired the Lynch version for it's aesthetic vision. Villeneuve is definitely the guy to be trusted with bringing the tale to a mature SF audience, even if the costume designs we see so far bring nothing new to the table.
  5. The tonal variation on the panels looks really great. I also think you just nailed the look on this one:
  6. "Homecoming" ranks in my top 5 TV series, so I'm looking forward to see where they take it in season 2.
  7. I think that bringing down the saturation of the colored areas would add to the realism of the paintjob, like what you did on the yellow stripes at the intakes. Alternatively, put it on a shelf for three years and the collecting dust will do that for you (that how I discovered the magic of scale-adjusted color contrast). The engines on the studio models were pretty light on some versions, but my personal impulse would be to put some metal effects on them.
  8. NASA makes a giant leap (again):
  9. Great progress! That is just the version I wanted to do if I ever were to build another X-Wing. How did you get the chipping? Liquid mask?
  10. Bling bling V2 Assault Buster Titanium Finish
  11. Got the russian rust bucket into the painting stage. I tried pre-shading with black this time, which took some time, but looking back I think I could have skipped that step. Next was a uniform layer of light sea grey as a "dirt" base. Then the "artistic part: With a 2:1 mix of light blue and white, thinned 1:1, I basically filled the surface with a slightly cloudy hatching pattern panel by panel. I try to change direction and intensity from area to area to avoid a uniform look. Working distance is 1 - 0.5 cm to the surface. Using gloss white for the mix, you get a nice specularity effect as a bonus:
  12. Oh how technology has improved.
  13. I once had a Mortar Headd kit crushed by a piece of acrylic sheet I wanted to use as a backdrop. Still hurts... My Minerva needs some pressure: This place is buzzing as we make the best of the Big Crisis. Keep on modeling & #flattenthecurve.
  14. Very impressive work, and congratulations on the quick finish! And you really nailed the color palette. I suppose the decals are third party again? With the RE/100 hands, there's room for improvement, but the weapon fist and the open hand don't seem to look too bad.
  15. I always imagined Lucas wanting to get over the live action shootings as quick as possible. There was also a nice passage of inner monologue fleshing out Dooku's character in the novelization that made the Emperor's betrayal more significant, but of course the movie had to waste it's time with overkill space action (buzz droids wtf?!) and Obi Wan's & Anakin's jump & run adventures.
  16. At this very moment in the film I felt a spark of hope that the story would actually surprise me and reveal the Separatists as the origin of the Rebellion, but that was too much to expect. Oh and to the people that damn the sequels for their reliance on supplementary material, that accounts for the prequels as well. I liked ROTS much more after reading the novelization.
  17. Not necessarily, according to this article: https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/aviation/a29847417/f-16-drone/ The F-16s turned into QF-16s have had a service life before, so the net cost for the drone are much lower. I'm not saying the stealth FSAT is redundant, it's just the $10m = low cost bit that baffled me.
  18. That's what I meant. Add another million for the AIM-120, and it's a pretty expensive fireworks from my perspective. For comparison: An F-16 seems to start at $19m per unit...
  19. 10 million is considered "low-cost"?
  20. There's no magic involved: I use Schmincke gouache which comes as a paste in tubes, in a wide range of colors. You mix them with water and use them as you would with any other wash, either apply them with a wide brush and wipe away the excess with a damp cloth, or paint directly over the panel lines with a small brush. Due to the higher surface tension, they will not flow as easily as enamel or alcohol based washes, but you can apply and correct endlessly (with a wet brush, paper tissue, or your fingers) without marring the base paint, and you have zero fumes to deal with. My favorite is the cool grey color for panel lines on white paint, like here: - I hope you hands get better soon and we see more electric magic from you.
  21. The plan here is to stay fit & build a Fitter
  22. Just back from "The Invisible Man" and I highly recommend it. Cool modern update of the classic, Elizabeth Moss is killing it in every scene, and great cinematography & sound design. The theater was hooked.
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