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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. Legendary composer Ennio Morricone died at age 91 today. It is no exaggeration to say that he created a whole universe with his music.
  2. Just started with Dark, and the sound design alone is worth the watch.
  3. I surely like that Mass Effect paint scheme better than the toy colors of the TNG ships. It's something I would try on the Shenzou kit if it were a bit cheaper.
  4. Korobukiya has some interesting designs in their Hexa Gear series, but the still look too much like toys for my taste. Your paintjob definitely helped to make this machine look more serious. Do you also have some pics of the kit from Suisei no Gargantuan I see in the background?
  5. If you find Bandai's Star Destroyer kit super lame, just mod it into a cutaway version: https://dorobou.blog.ss-blog.jp/2020-06-26
  6. It does look really cool. The only thing they need to improve IMO is those trench-wide panel lines.
  7. Testament Gundam coming as a P-Bandai release. Did anybody build the Dragon Momoko kit?
  8. It's certainly a challenge to visualize a future that is so detached from our times, especially when you don't have a Lannister's budget. But I like what I see so far, and it will be interesting to see how they'll translate that 50's SF faith in technology into modern perception.
  9. I live near a (now abandoned) RAF airfield near the Durch border, so in my youth F-4s and Starfighters passed overhead on a regular basis. The noise was devastating.
  10. Hey, the logo at the very end basically is the Macross Kite! I love the style of the trailer, too bad it's on Apple+
  11. I'd be wary regarding a wash, it might quickly kill the scale. I think just the hint of the untreated panel lines will be enough on the final model. @joscasle Smooth paint work on the VF-4. Do you think you can switch the landing gear for, say, F-18 parts?
  12. It started quite interesting and with good FX, but I had to turn it off after they shot the helicopter with an RPG. From a sub.
  13. "...you have my sympathies."
  14. Perfect finish on that classic duo. Did you add a gloss coat after the clear blue?
  15. I still have a jar of Kosutte metalizer powder that seems to last forever. It has disappeared from the market; from the looks of it I might contain an unhealthy amount of lead. For purely weathering purposes, plain graphite powder (just grind it from a pencil) does pretty good effects. The Vallejo paints are from their Metal Color airbrush line. I tested duraluminium (a slightly less shiny silver), gun metal, and dull aluminium. The dull aluminium is the only one where I had the clogging issue. It also needs a good stirring to make the flat effect work, so I put a metal ball into the bottle. The drying time is also significantly longer. The other two paints are a dream. You can use them right from the bottle, no need for special primer, no odors or tricky solvents, and they are dry to the touch after minutes. Excellent leveling behavior, and no flakes. You can also mix them to get varying shades of metal, and you can easily apply them with a brush for detail work. This pic shows dull aluminium and gun metal on the exhausts:
  16. MT, I got something for you... The last weeks were swamped with work, so I did not do much modeling. Today I picked up the Fitter again and worked on the natural metal section on the aft of the fuselage. Base paint is Vallejo Dull Aluminium, aka the fastest way to clog your airbrush. Selected panels were masked and buffed up with metalizer powder for a shinier finish, then stains were added with Tamiya's weathering pigments. I discovered Vallejo metallics two years ago and can highly recommend them for finish, range, and general convenience of use, except that the dull aluminium gives you two seconds to work before your airbrush stops working until you clean the needle with a solvent-soaked brush or q-tip. I'll add even more thinner next time.
  17. @CrossAir Very clean paint job, congratulations. Do you hand paint or airbrush? I suggest adding a tad of gloss to your paint to get nice highlights.
  18. I love the detailed weathering and low contrast on the AT-ST. It makes the model look very real and "scale-less".
  19. Man, those were the days when they still made iconic spaceship designs...
  20. Luca Zampriolo - he's basically Italy's Makoto Kobayashi.
  21. The report also notes: "Touchscreens weren’t the only issue in the collision: the report calls out that several crew members on the bridge at the time weren’t familiar with the systems that they were overseeing and were inexperienced in their roles, and that many were fatigued, with an average of 4.9 hours of sleep between the 14 crew members present. The report recommended that the Navy conduct better training for the bridge systems, update the controls and associated documentation, and ensure that Navy personnel aren’t tired when they’re on the job." From my experience in designing industrial GUIs, they provide much greater flexibility, reduced information load, because the content can be adapted specific to the situation, and flatter learning curve (and yes, you still have to be highly trained to operate a complicated system).
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