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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. So, how much of your incredible detail work will be visible when the hull is closed? - The MiG has entered the painting stage, sporting a fierce baby blue on the underbelly
  2. Pretty amazing display of the Anigrand 1/144 Lun:
  3. Go ahead! The experimental MiG-21I Analog would be even better suited:
  4. Everybody's and their little socialistic sisters' favorite bargain Mach 2 interceptor:
  5. I second that! "Queen's Gambit" is all-around top quality. Good drama, the chess scenes are incredible, and Anya Taylor-Joy is not from this world.
  6. Here's a comparison shot: Does anybody know the differences between the Infinity and the Electrosphere version?
  7. X-49 Night Raven is going to be released in Kotobukiya's 1/144 Ace Combat kit line.
  8. I love The Crown. The script, the dialogues, the acting, the sets, the cinematography – everything is so expertly crafted, it's just a pleasure all around. Current season continues the high level, with the great additions of Thatcher and Diana.
  9. Your 3D models looks great! What printer do you use?
  10. The days where every movie that had Chloe Grace Moretz in it was intrinsically cool are officially over. After the Peanuts movie proofed (IMO) that you can transfer old cartoons to 3D in a satisfying way, this looks like another Sonic disaster.
  11. Dunno if that video is 100% accurate. It mixes footage of the KM and Lun Ekranoplan, and the Lun is not randomly stranded on some beach and rotting away. The wear is the result of it being stored in the open until it was towed to Derbent this summer. This report clearly shows it arriving at the construction site and being towed on the beach: https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/caspian-sea-monster-ekranoplan/index.html Here's an interesting size comparison shot: The Tu-95 at the top is roughly the same size as a B-52. The interior of the Lun shows the ship-like nature of the craft: https://rusue.com/interiors-of-the-abandoned-lun-ekranoplan/
  12. The Russians launched some amazing machines (halfway) into the air at that time. Here's my favorite shot of the Lun, right like something from the imagination of Mamoru Oshii: And here's the Lun's big brother, the Caspian Sea Monster: https://oldmachinepress.com/2019/11/05/alexeyev-km-ekranoplan-caspian-sea-monster/ The third operational Ekranoplan was the the Orlyonok: As of 2017, there are still plans to build a Lun-based super SAR craft:
  13. Here's a shot of the Lun firing those missiles:
  14. *head explodes from all the 2021 Gunpla announcements*
  15. Awesome! Thou shalt be given the new custom member title of "Aztec Master"
  16. The ancient Lun ekranoplan was towed to a new location where it will be the centerpiece of a future military museum.
  17. It's a pleasure to see such a masterful finish on this gem of a kit. What a funky design, right down to the entrance ladder. And putting the model down on this delicate landing gear must have been nerve-wrecking. Red is a difficult color to weather, how did you achieve the look?
  18. Düsenjäger on the horizon!
  19. Someone modded the old 1/72 kit to match the on-screen appearance:
  20. I looked into modding the Italeri kit, but it would not be far from a total scratch built model.
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