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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. A tale of two guns...
  2. While the 84 movie has some issues, it still delivered on the visual side IMO. The Baron's introduction and the Navigator scene freaked me out, and the costumes and art direction were pretty unique back then.
  3. The profile looks pretty good already! Like @F-ZeroOne said, the C4 seems to be particularly inspired by the QSTOL research variant of the C-1, with some C-130/Antonov windows added for spice. Considering the folding of the Helldiver's arms, suddenly the clothed slots in his chest make a lot of sense.
  4. I see no appeal in the invincible-super-gunman type of movies, but I'll make an exception for Obi Wan's wife.
  5. The X-47B just called and asked why this is called Stingray?
  6. Your work really did pay off. A true museum piece.
  7. Can you use the seats from the Hind? If you can get the Zvezda/Revell Hind for cheap, it has some excellent pilots.
  8. Awesome paint work on that Spartan.
  9. I just happened to check Ridley Scott's IMDB page coming from the House of Gucci trailer, and was surprised to find out that he's attached to Black Lotus as an executive producer. Even more intriguing was the lineup of other projects he's currently involved in: An untitled Alien prequel, Alien TV series, Gladiator 2, and a David movie (the guy from the Bible, not the android), Napoleon (with Joaquin Phoenix as the lead), and Queen & Country with Sylvia Hoeks (Blade Runner 2049).
  10. Hybrids is the New Thing.
  11. Fasten your eyeballs and seek out the Five Star Stories. I have completed two of the larger kits from the series:
  12. With it's visualization of futuristic urban dystopia and the merging of tech & biology, Blade Runner is very much Cyberpunk avant-le-lettre IMO.
  13. I think The Witch is still an impressive movie over it's course, but it seems to make a point of Anya's character being the only true believer of the family, and in the end she's like "ok then" and enlists as a witch? That felt anti-climatic at that point, and the levitating was a bit too much for my taste. As for Hereditary, I still hold on to the idea that all that was missing was a final shot revealing that the ending set was just one of Toni Colette's character's models.
  14. Unfortunately, the two former movies have this great buildup to pretty lackluster endings, and the latter was downright awful IMO. Lamb trailer has me hooked nonetheless.
  15. It's beginning to take shape.
  16. Holy Cow!
  17. Unfortunately, that's all there is about this plane. The spread is from the "This is Animation - Patlabor the Movie" artbook. I wonder if this is also a Kawamori design?
  18. @MechTech Is this the one?
  19. The concept is called Tensegrity. Kind of an engineering art form, and IMO it communicates the idea of free floating really well in this case.
  20. This Bunyip Boomerang kit is from a new series of Bandai kits from Kyoukai Senki. Pretty interesting design that looks like an ARTMIC makeover of ED209.
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