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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. My thoughs exactly. We'll see if the next movie is actually good again. The very fist sequence with the arrival of the boxes, Bautista's character's mom & Craig in the tub playing Among Us is pretty funny, but cou can safely turn off the movie right after that. If you check the trivia section on imdb, you'll find an ongoing litany of how cleverly the movie is contructed, and still the result is a terrible waste of time.
  2. Can't get enough of those.
  3. First results are coming:
  4. @neptunesurvey1 The prints look promising. And good luck for your health!
  5. I was just going to say that about Knives out: Glass Onion.
  6. Looks like Experten is working on an interior for the Hase Regult:
  7. The Gunpla crowd is used to stickers, but at least Bandai is nice enough to make decals sheets available as a seperate product occasionally for the more ambitious modelers. Plamax is really underselling their excellent kits in that regard. @Urashiman thank you for the appetizer pics! I'll wait for the CF kit so I won't have to paint the gazillion of white stripes on these scheme.
  8. The wide spread legs give a cool new expression to Arii's 1/72 Glaug
  9. Some inspiration for the CF builders:
  10. We got this VTOL stuff covered... pretty much.
  11. @Urashiman It's looking impressive already with the overall shapes & surface details. Very smooth, too, except for the stabs. There seems to be a bit of warping going on etc, so good luck with the fine-tuning! @MechTech Thanks for the encouragement. I'm doing a Kuwaiti sand hornet, and they get pretty spotty, too.
  12. Interestingly, the overall sleek shape looks totally non-military IMO. Let's wait til they add all those sensors and external stores to turn this nice Jet Ranger into a Kiowa.
  13. Finally enough light today to add another camo color.
  14. We're not gletting closer to a new Akira adaption, which is probably a good thing, but here's an interesting attempt to visualize live action Akira characters by AI art:
  15. A 1/20 YF-29 in the making:
  16. So is this getting like the inkjet printers where they throw the printer at you and then milk you with the material prices? The results look pretty promising anyway.
  17. @wm cheng That's the 1/48 Hobby Boss kit (I guess I'm too old for 1/72), so the airbrushing is not that fine, I still do it with my single-action Badger, and it's pretty relaxing. I eyeball all the the colors, sometimes I have a specific photo in front of me that I want to match. I have Pantone color swatches that I can hold up to the screen to translate the image to physical colors, which I then try to match with mixes of Tamiya paint. I try to document every color I mix for a kit with color chips, so I can work from previous mixes. I also try to streamline the painting process, so less unfinished kits end up on the shelf of doom. What works best for me lately is the dark (usually Dark Sea Grey) basecoat, upon which a single layer of semi-gloss (usually by the addition of gloss white) camo color is applied panel by panel. With sharp panel lines like on the HB kit, there's no need to even do a wash after that.
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