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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. the last pic is from an ad in dengeki hobby magazine, the others are from PLATZ, the manufacturer of the 1/72 yukikaze kits. -i-
  2. Great work, LTSO! Very balanced weathering to round it off. The new decal set of the 1.5 version are a helpful, but less than perfect IMO. The blue of the lines on top of the fuselage is way off, also are the colors of the antenna fin, and the yellow stripes around the engines are too heavy. Although it was really a pain to mask, I'm glad I painted all these on my kit. There where several errors regarding the decal positions in the first version of the kit's instructions, so I'm posting production artwork I found on the PLATZ website for color + decal reference for all who want to build this excellent kit in the future. It would be nice to see a completed 1/72 kit here. -i-
  3. I like the original color design of the Mave, but I think this looks even better! The heavy mode looks really cool, too. A larger sized beauty shot would be nice. And a view of the underside, please... -i-
  4. I've put up some some raw pics of my model. The lighting wasn't too good, but you can get some views of the beautiful work Bandai (and designer Ikuto Yamashiita) did here http://www.online-club.de/~romansland/supersylph/ The only modifications I did was clipping off the tiny wings of the missiles and replacing them with bits of 0.25 mm styrene sheet and raising the pilot figures 0,7 mm, otherwise you wouldn't see them in the profile picture. The various stripes on the model are painted (masking hell!), all colors were subdued ba adding very light grey. Many of the decal positions indicated in the manual are wrong, so use the animation ore the CG grafics on the box as reference. -i-
  5. thank you all for the appreciation the background images were indeed created with terragen, a great program, but using it gives you a real headache. On top of that, the renderer is slow as a glacier... I used a Canon Powershot G2 to make the photos of the model, with a north-facing window as a soft backlight. Composing + color correction was done in Photoshop (of course) sorry, unsf, I can't render larger backgrounds, so the pics are as big as it gets for now. -i-
  6. Hi I noticed quite a few people here who are into Sentou Yousei Yukikaze, so you may be interested in my CG illustrations featuring my Bandai Supersylph model. You can get the HiRes versions here: http://www.online-club.de/~romansland/Supersylph.jpg http://www.online-club.de/~romansland/Supersylph2.jpg -i-
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