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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. They basically had everything from the show except the transporters/gunships. Lets hope we see some of the fighters soon. I completed sanding and did a test assembly. Also started on the pattern for the stencils.
  2. I posted a first look at the Banshee kit over at the models section go here
  3. I just received the kit of the impressive Yukikaze's "Flying Dutchman" today, so here are first impressions. This is what you get - about 40 parts of resin, a set of dry transfer and waterslide decals, comprehensive instructions and a color laser print for the paint sheme. The quality of the engravings and the details is nothing short of spectacular. Parts require a minimum of cleanup, so the main challlenge will be getting everything aligned properly, and the paintjob. The CG model shows heavy weathering and has a kind of multitone tribal pattern on it, so I'm thinking of tracing the pattern in Illustrator, scaling it to the right size and cutting it from masking film. If you feel tempted, HLJ still has it in stock link -i-
  4. Well, Emmerich made "Das Arche Noah Prinzip" before, basically in a garage, but that was also his last good movie, IMO. -i-
  5. There actually IS an art book out now http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...8-9975565?? The Fairy Air Force At War DVD comes with a VERY nice art book. Very comprehensive too. The DVD it comes with is kinda lame, but that's not what I bought it for It's 50 bucks VERY well spent! 372672[/snapback] Got the artbook yesterday - highly recommended!!! C-31 Gunship anyone?
  6. ok, I'll throw in my VF-4 Lightning HiRes is here: clicky and there was a thread about this here -i-
  7. ...and didn't look too cool, either. -i- PS another one from Namco's Acecombat site
  8. Great idea, HWR. Those old anime shows like Venus Wars and Gall Force have tons of interesting hardware. Good luck with the project! -i-
  9. Did someone notice this 1/38 Mave that some crazy genius scratchbuild a couple of months ago?
  10. I dare say that this is the original novel. Nice to see that the aircraft design has leaped forward a few lightyears since then. -i-
  11. Even IF Platz makes a Sylphide, it won't be cheaper that this one and probably will come without the fantastic cockpit. But there's still hope that Omo Ole Toys will release their 1/144 yukikaze series. wm cheng, you can open an international account at amazon.jp and order from the site. They have english help to guide you through. -i-
  12. May we ask for a glimpse at the artbook's content?
  13. I think it's in line with the artwork and the Omoole version
  14. A 1/72 Sylphide finally showed up at WF. Anybody got info on this?
  15. The Falken is already on "order stop" at HLJ. I hope you all have placed your order...
  16. It's from this site http://ogikimer.hp.infoseek.co.jp Looks like another ominous TAC kit. -i-
  17. Those are from Sparrow's website. Fasten your seatbelts: http://homepage2.nifty.com/sparrow2/index.htm and here's one of the Rahxephon aircrafts:
  18. Considering that the length of the X-02 is about 22 m, the Falken will have a decent size even in 1/100. AC2 gives no info on the data, anything from AC5? -i-
  19. caps from the AC2 model player
  20. The Kit is announced for March. Who knows, if we buy enough Falkens, they will release the X-02? -i- rraahhh...
  21. 2006 is already a good year! ADF-01
  22. I've seen stereolithography pieces with perfect finish right from the machine (crazy stuff like a sphere within a sphere), but I guess that's still insanely expensive. Good for you. -i-
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