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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. Wow, the face looks better than I expected...
  2. If they have Mana in the movie, I wonder if the Trident will also make it...
  3. It was my impression that also a handful of non-SF movies hide up there. I want to add "Eight legged freaks" to the list, even if it had Scarlett Johansson in a tight sweater.
  4. Yeah, it would be much less work to put up a list of SF movies that are actually good. But also less funny, I think...
  5. That thing is stunningly ugly, but it is speculated that it's just a decoy mockup. Sukhoi seems to work on a UCAV, too, so there's still hope to see something interesting one day.
  6. I don't buy any of this
  7. General Kala:"Dispatch war rocket Ajax to brrring back his body" mmmmh... alien latex dominas
  8. Check out the website: http://www.renaissance-lefilm.com/ Very cool!
  9. Don't forget to show pics of the finished work. Oh, and check this out
  10. I was wondering what Zemeckis is trying to accomplish with CG actors, too. Or did the general standard for acting sink so low that the CG creatures surpass it now? If they must use CG actors, they should take it to a totally different direction, but not that boring pseudo-realism. On top of that, the cinematography sucks, too. The trailer looks like a cutscene from a video game. Maybe the script will save this one... ha ha
  11. I have that kit. It was produced by B-Club and it's mostly a solid block of resin. There is also a not-so-great Deunan torso in the cockpit. I will try to dig it out and post some photos. -i-
  12. ZOMG! I did notice the Platz labels, but couldn't find the info on the english Platz site. This is truly good news. And congratulations to Pla4U!
  13. I've just been reminded how much better the canopy looks on the old kits... Excellent work! Do you have more stuff to show? -i-
  14. Just found another gallery of the gorgeous 1/48 Sylphide http://cafe.daum.net/ProjectE5 click on Project E5 gallery and then on the first entry
  15. check this out: http://photo.163.com/photos/kunluinlmodel/116527068/
  16. I really love the paintjob & weathering. As for the stand, I think that using 1mm steel wire to connect the model to the base would have been more subtle. Plexiglass is really overated. -i-
  17. Did you play Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere (jap. version)?
  18. Ace Combat X = Ace Combat for PSX here are more pics of the fictional fighters: And we should finally beat someone to make us a 1/72 XFA-27 kit.
  19. Fans of the XFA-27 (or Ace Combat X), check out this wallpaper: http://www.acecombat.jp/ace-x/img/wp/WP_or...rcraft_1280.jpg
  20. I think they'll look better on an alien bug. Anyway, they look rather grainy in the pics, is it better in natural light? Busted, that's the GMG version of the Hi-Nu, which itself is a small-scale version of G-System's 1/48 Hi-Nu. Check out my WIP at Hobbyfanatics: http://www.hobbyfanatics.com/index.php?showtopic=10106
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