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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. Somebody obviously had his head cut off at HLJ
  2. If you're not afraid of paint, go for the Medicom toy I still have hope for a proper toy/kit.
  3. Are there additional street scenes in the workprint that didn't make it into the Final Cut?
  4. Same here. So far for pre-ordering...
  5. Hobbysearch has pic of the Hellhound up >clicky< Surface detail is not too great, and I think they did a rather boring paintjob on the demo kit.
  6. Wow. What's the thingy hovering behing the Rex (not the chainsaw skull)?
  7. I wonder why the city explodes. Collateral damage from the military's actions?
  8. Found it: http://www.themist-movie.com/ directed by Frank Darabond (The Green Mile), so I will keep an eye on it. I wonder if Cloverfield will go Blair Witch all the way, i.e. everything we get is the handheld tape, nothing is explained, everybody dies. Better stock up on Aspirin.
  9. There was a Stephen King short story in which a milityary project ripped open a door to another dimension, and in came not one big specific monster, but a whole wildlife of mean creatures. So we can have city-crushing giants and people-bursters and other nasty stuff from all directions.
  10. The pilots that came with the old 1/72 Hasegawa Shinmeiwa seaplane were so small that they fit nicely in a 1/100 plane. But I don't know if they were common in other old Hase kits. -i- edit: I just noted that this set has two seated pilots (kinda)
  11. WAVE's 1/24 Armsuit, March release: http://www.hlj.com/product/WAVKK-26
  12. Appleseed impressed me since it was the first manga (along with Akira) that I bought. I went crazy over all the mechanic design, but once I tried to get into the story, there were many shortcomings. IMO Shirow failed three times, in Black Magic, Appleseed, and GITS, when he tried to paint a big picture and lost himself in police routine or his attempts at humor, with the political plots never really working out, let alone the philosophical debate. The conspiracies are so over-contrived that you feel constantly pulled at a nose ring by the author, and the abundance of his smartass comments doesn't make it any better. I see the first Appleseed movie the same way: The 3D CG action is terrific, but don't waste too much attention to the plot. The first GITS movie managed to pull all the good stuff from the comic and turn it into another great Mamoru Oshii movie. BTW I recently purchased the GITS 1.5 Human-Error Processor comic collection and was surprised how much elements from there went into the movie. Oh and here's the link to the new Appleseed movie site: http://www.exmachina.jp/ Check the wallpapers! -i- PS on the subject of CG in animation: Say what you want about Yukikaze, but IMO it is a good example how to blend the CG objects with the traditional animation look.
  13. What do you think of the new movie? http://www.exmachina.jp/
  14. I use a double action AB only for transparent paints, where I need good control over the layer thickness. Everything else is done with my trusty single action Badger 150.
  15. How about this: http://www.platz-hobby.com/image/air/ssy/mave4.jpg The book from the DVD does not have 3 view drawings but a small walkaround section. Does the Blue & Purpre book have more detailed drawings of the Flip Knight version? I'm thinking of scratch building something...
  16. Cyber Formula, Crusher Joe Minerva, Appleseed, Patlabor, another Garland - what other overpriced toys could you want for the next year? http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/008075/
  17. I wonder if the production design collection is the same as the "Blue & Purpre" artbook.
  18. The back landing gear is the one from the kit, front is from Bandai's Falken, the wheels are from the 1/100 Rafe/Mave EX kits. I usually build my planes gear up, but the helos sit nicely on the ground. -i-
  19. Jigabachi is finished
  20. Aww, where's my jawbone...? The "eye" looks totally fantastic, along with the rest.
  21. With the external weapon load, would the exposed rotor really matter in terms of radar visibility? The whole body is not exactly stealthy. Any mods planned on your kit?
  22. I'm currently busy with the Jigabachi with a bit of modding going on. The overall quality of the kit is good, though the surface details are not on the same level as Kotobukiya's excellent Armored Core line. But maybe it's supposed to be more in an anime style. I omitted the front "legs" for a more menacing appeareance and replaced the rotor for more realism.
  23. There was a movie artbook, but it doesn't have that much lineart. You can view some of the concept art here: http://www.v6dp.com/bbs/thread-13803-1-1.html
  24. Check these out: http://www.platz-hobby.com/image/air/ssy/fandfile.jpg http://www.platz-hobby.com/image/air/ssy/mave4.jpg http://www.platz-hobby.com/image/air/ssy/top.jpg http://www.platz-hobby.com/image/air/ssy/bottom.jpg http://www.platz-hobby.com/image/air/ssy/left.jpg http://www.platz-hobby.com/image/air/ssy/right.jpg
  25. Wow, the face looks better than I expected...
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