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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. It's an injection kit from Kotobukiya's AC line http://www.kotobukiya.co.jp/kotobukiya/rel...080414/nbs.html
  2. I think 3D live-action actually means what Mr. March mentions, i.e. living actors and 3D-glasses, which seems to be the latest trick in trying to get the people back into the cinema. I don't know why the majority here assumes that it will keep the japanese setting, cast, let alone the music. And by the way, the main characters in the manga are not looking very japanese, either, other than their names.
  3. It has been done before (kinda)
  4. I hope we will see the kits at Shizuoka next month. PS did you see this: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-cybergundam/article?mid=7774
  5. They could kinda take the BSG route and make it a gritty soldier movie http://www.zippyvideos.com/6357495732511556/tetra_vaal/
  6. Uh oh - Neuromancer is in pre-production (again) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1037220/ Chris Cunningham directing it when he had the chance could have beem SF cinema's greatest moments. Now who the frog is Joseph Kahn?
  7. I found out that just enough time has passed to re-discover William Gibson's Cyberpunk trilogy. The "Burning Chrome" collection of short stories is a good point to test if you like his style, then "Neuromancer" takes you quite for a ride. If you keep in mind that this is stuff from the 80s, it's surprising how little popular SF has evolved since then. The plots are somewhat anti-climatic at times, but there's all kinds of coolness to make up for it.
  8. I watched it yesterday and was pretty impressed. This one has it all: Robots, Big Robots, Big Robots that fly, Big Guns, Unlimited Ammo, zombies (erm, ok), and some hints at tentacle p0rn to top it off. And Deunan has a hot ass. On a more serious note, I found the overall quality of the production really excellent. The design is unique and shows great care for detail, the characters are well done and convincing, and on the technical side, the motion capturing and character animation was the best I've seen in a long time. The YMO-ish soundtrack fit perfectly. The plot might not score big points for originality, but it worked better than anything Shirow tried to throw at us in the manga. Anyone who also liked the movie should take a look at the "The Analysis of Ex Machina" artbook. -i-
  9. http://www.aintitcool.com/images2007/TrekSetBig4.JPG The car is awesome. Retro Future at it's best.
  10. and while not anime/sf-related, Great Cinema takes another blow with the sudden death of Anthony Minghella.
  11. I started cosmetic surgery on my EX Supersylph. There's a WIP at Hobbyfanatics. http://www.hobbyfanatics.com/index.php?showtopic=16388
  12. Let's put it this way: I hope they make this movie for adults, not for the popcorn crowd (like League...)
  13. Two, actually. Yamashita & Takeuchi, the main designers of the harware, issued the "Blue & Purpre" artbook, a comprehensive collection of their artworks & sketches. The book was sold at Comiket only, and seems to be still raising at YJ! auctions. Then there's the book that's part of the BluRay release, "FAF Technical Orders"; as reported by Valkyrie, it has even more artwork that's not part of the other books. I already feel sorry for your wallet.
  14. What impressed me most about the artbook is how these guys churn out one revolutionary aircraft design after another, and then go deep into the details.
  15. Dream on... Well, the Mac 7 kits are 13 years old, and Bandai not really just sat on it's ass since then. Judging from the latest EX kits, I think the quality differences to Hase will be noticeable only to the enthusiasts, and I can do without an abundance of rivet holes on my kits.
  16. Rare 1/144 Sylphide on YJ: http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w21791201
  17. 2008 = year of aircraft kits overkill for me. Macross F, Sky Crawlers, and the two new Platz kits from Yukikaze - IF they ever are released...
  18. So what do you think of the casting? Watchmen casting evolution
  19. HLJ gives you a little advantage Deunan: 85$ http://www.hlj.com/product/WAVEX-01 Bri: 108$ http://www.hlj.com/product/WAVEX-03
  20. Given the recent trend in SF movie making, I wouldn't totally exclude a "Young Deckard" TV series in the next years.
  21. Well, they follow the design of the movie, so I won't call it a knock off. Who's the maker?
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