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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. Pics of Tereus, the 1/20 figures, and the Landmate http://photo.163.com/photos/kunluinlmodel/...871/4730598656/ http://photo.163.com/photos/kunluinlmodel/...871/4730598545/ http://photo.163.com/photos/kunluinlmodel/...871/4730598413/ http://photo.163.com/photos/kunluinlmodel/...871/4730598292/ (c&p)
  2. I got the info from a blog, so it's not exactly bulletproof, but the kit would make sense considering Kotobukiya's latest releases.
  3. This came a bit underneath my radar - Kotobukiya's 1/72 Hannibal at Shizuoka Now a HAL-X can't be far...
  4. Pics of the Platz fighters at Shizuoka: http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/010039/ http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/010038/ http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/010037/ Did they replace the vac-formed canopys with their much-hated solid cast cockpits?
  5. Any ideas what the captions in the second scan say? Is there a remote chance for a non-transformable EX model?
  6. Fine Molds revealed a prototype for a 1/48 Sanka Mk. B http://www.hlj.com/hlj_gallery2/v/shizuoka...G_0027.JPG.html
  7. Btw there's already a ton of goodies in this thread: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=23253
  8. Hmm, "War of the Worlds"?
  9. Flash Gordon raises from the grave? http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=45314 And while we're at it, Barbarella & Buck Rogers are on his heels.
  10. Joss Whedon - wasn't that one of the guys that killed the Alien franchise for good?
  11. Well, not entirely, actually. The "Art of..." books show indeed only the conceptual models, while the filming models can be found in the Cinefex issues or the "Making of..." books. Looking at the books again makes me cry a bit, because they show how great the prequels could have been...
  12. http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/009935/ GA Graphic has very clear pics and closeups of the prototypes. You can see the surface engravings on Ozuma's machine, I guess the back parts are pretty much final: http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/009935/images/11.jpg The exposed shoulder hinges could use some additional detail. I love the head sculpt. The closeup of the Gerwalk nose shows a recess for the SMS logo? http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/009935/images/18.jpg
  13. While there was a large number of conceptual models that were photographed for textures and lighting reference, there was also a large number of physical sets that were build & filmed in miniature. Of course the shots of these models were enhanced with additional CG elements and matte paintings, but this is still different from an all CG surrounding. Examples: The pod racer hangar, architecture on Naboo & Coruscant (interior & exterior), Tipoca city, Mos Espa. The list is endless.
  14. Check out the "Art of..." books of SW EP 1-3, you'll be amazed just how many physical models were used in the FX shots. The modelers did a perfect job in making it impossible to distinguish the physical models from the CG sets. At the same time, I was totally surprised to learn that no single clone trooper costume was build for EP II. The animation/motion capturing was perfect.
  15. No, those are the latest Hasegawa re-paints.
  16. It looks like Bandai will cover Sky Crawlers in their EX models line http://www.geocities.jp/hobby_show_album/j...ka2008/0225.htm So we have actually competition between Kotobukiya, Fine Molds and Bandai. This will be interesting. And I love the Shinden and Focke-Wulf redesigns.
  17. New Arm Suit toy from MegaHouse http://www.geocities.jp/hobby_show_album/j...ka2008/0237.htm
  18. Revoltech ALIEN? http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2074/246059...0cb53ee23_o.jpg (lower left corner)
  19. EVA-06 has horns. The head of 06 looks very "generic anime robot" like; did they kick Yamashita out of the design team?
  20. The surface of the display models shows the structure of the 3D printer in some pics, so I assume those are just dressed up prototypes. The final look and detail level still may change.
  21. How is the cockpit? I have an old recast of the kit, and the canopy was so thick that I went and made a vac-formed one. Also, the legs need a lot of putty if you build it with gear up, and there was a nasty seamline running through the engravings. Come to think of it, I might still have the master of the canopy, notify me if you can use it.
  22. The new fighters are now up for a July release. And a 1/200 Mave just showed up. http://www.platz-hobby.com/event08shs.html
  23. It's a massive B-Club kit from the early 90's. The body & the legs are one piece. About 24 cm high. There's even a Deunan bust underneath the hatch, but it's a really bad sculpt. The kit is impressive, but it needs some nice paint effects, else it will look boring with all those plain surfaces.
  24. The Hot Toys releases sound interesting, I hope they won't cost an arm & one leg (ok they will...) Cain, the most awesome Landmate is the Manga Guges. And the softwired thing.
  25. That looks spectacular, I hope to see a finished one someday. Will the landing gear be able to support the weight of the kit?
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