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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. Just great. From now on, you shall be known as the Macross Missile Master.
  2. So how's the canopy? And does a 1/72 Hase pilot fit in the cockpit?
  3. Hasegawa did venture in to the Bandai realm of mostly-pre-painted-toy/kit-hybrids with their Virtual-On line of kits (with inferior results IMO). But when it comes to aircraft kits, I think that Hasegawa's marketing policy is more about offering Macross content to their reliable scale modeling clients than catering Macross fans who are not-yet-kitbuilders.
  4. MJ, I think the weathering serves the kit well, otherwise it looks like a toy (which is, IMO, not a good thing...)
  5. Got the shipping note from HLJ today. Good thing that the Euro is quite strong again. The execution of the cockpit is great, I still had fears that Platz would fall back to their previous solution. Even the control sticks are there, but no HUD. With the VF-0 seat, I hope that a Hase pilot will fit in there. The decal sheet looks quite comprehensive. I'm still a little bit mad that the 1/48 line was never released, but I don't want to think about what the kits had cost.
  6. Pigs are not only flying but ice-skating in hell:
  7. This is already better than this summer's blockbuster.
  8. I doubt that the 1/48 VF-25 will disappear like the MG "The O", especially since Bandai staff talked about it in a Magazine before the Shizuoka show.
  9. It just dawned upon me that the major plot idea is totally ripped off "Ice Age 2".
  10. I think on HLJ the release date is continually updated to "next month" But the announcement in Hobby Japan and the fact that the kits finally appear on the Platz website might finally hint to something like an actual release. http://www.platz-hobby.com/products/1749.html http://www.platz-hobby.com/products/1804.html Don't forget to snatch the views of the Sylpheed in good resolution.
  11. "Plastic kit" is most likely a mistake by Hobbysearch, sice they also list the Mave resin kit as "plastic kit". I saw that they also have the F/A-27 still on their list http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10063748a2/20/2
  12. Guess what - the new Hobby Japan issue has the *I'm not Vaporware* 1/72 Platz Sylpheed on the "new releases" page.
  13. I went through the whole artbook now, and while there is plenty of stuff that is clearly inspired by Mead's style and color palettes, I would not call it plagiarism except the last example from the blog. I also see tons of highly original ideas. I highly recommend the artbook, wether you're a fan of the game, Syd Mead or concept design in general.
  14. Just stumbled upon this post about how Bioware stole from my favourite SF designer http://themainloop.blogspot.com/2007/12/ar...ass-effect.html So I DLd the book from a scanner site. That will teach them...
  15. Since we're moving in to the realm of "fictional films with a lot of science stuff", I want to add "Colossus - The Forbin Project" Think of it as War Games for adults. Colossus has a lot of great lines. Colossus: "This is the voice of world control. I bring you peace. It may be the peace of plenty and content or the peace of unburied death."
  16. Phase IV Does anybody know this little gem? Right up there with Andromeda Strain IMO. It shows it's age today, and some scenes are pushing it a bit, but other ideas there are really brilliant, like the arithmetic conversation with the ants, and it's a good suspense movie. Demon Seed also comes to mind, but it's alog time since I've seen that.
  17. I hope they don't put a 1/60 pilot into the 1/48 cockpit
  18. Excellent work on the kit & paintjob, and superb photography, looks very life-like in the low angle pics. I think the weathering is just right for that scale. Too bad helicopter models are difficult to show in mid-flight without photoshopping the rotors.
  19. Prototype of the 1/48 kit at Shizuoka More info here: http://happy.ap.teacup.com/runchickens/1374.html So it has moveable wings and exhaust. Can somebody translate more of the info panels?
  20. More pics of the SHE kit at ga.graphics http://ga.sbcr.jp/mfigure/012825/
  21. HLJ has the 1/100 Alter Yukikaze on sale. 5880 Yen. http://www.hlj.com/product/ALT20801
  22. I repost this pic to give you some ideas for the weathering
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