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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. I think a lineart of the YF-25 was shortly shown at a data display, but I can't remember the episode.
  2. Can anybody fresh up my memory with the main differences of the YF-25 and the VF version? This won't be just another recolor, right?
  3. A strictly technical question: Are you going to have the entire master printed? I don't know what resources you have at hand, but that sounds like a quite expensive approach to a 48 cm kit.
  4. Cause we all know what happens when you don't double-check the canopy assembly.
  5. Just too great:
  6. I've been waiting years for something like this. And now it even has power armors catching grenades in mid-air. The gritty look and hand-camera style reminds me of "Children of Men".
  7. Excellent work! The buildings are well-chosen. Good job on Ranka and the VF-25, too. Just to be extra-nitpicky: Didn't Gilliam's VF have a different decoration on top of the battroid head?
  8. Got some things done on my Sylphid kit: The missile bay was outfitted with strips of styrene to hold the door plate in place, same for the front landing gear. I elongated the back of the pilot seat so it will fit a 1/72 Hasegawa figure, also the dashboard was raised at the back end to suit the configuration with the pilot in place.
  9. You could turn to Ikuto Yamashita's "Dark Whisper" Mangas instead From what I learned, "Yukikaze" isn't a strict novel, but a collection of short episodes. I will be an intersting read, nonetheless.
  10. I like how they treated the face mask as the actual head and toned the bulge down a bit on the Damashi Q-Rea. Looks like the line is given a bit more creatice license than their plastic kits counterparts. I still hope that the kit will at least be faithful to the CG model, the prototype looked promising. *needs more Klan*
  11. ...which, of course, will never happen again.
  12. This is not the Sukhoi T-50 (or is it...?)
  13. I like the look of this one, definitely my favourite interpretation of the design so far. Noyhauser, it would be great if you could finish it.
  14. I wouldn't mind a "Young Han Solo" setup.
  15. Cant' wait for the J. J. Abrams reboot ten years later.
  16. Major Tom posted this link to a great build of the Shylphid in the model section: http://photos.yahoo.co.jp/ph/horton1485/ls...=ph&.view=t
  17. If the screens from the game are any indication, the hardware looks surprisingly lame. Still looking forward to see this one, especially since Cameron *might* pick up Alita/Gunm next.
  18. Model Grafix shows the Armored Alto with Reaction Missiles: http://superrobotwar.files.wordpress.com/2...6/mg0908091.jpg
  19. Hobby Japan August 09 Tons of stuff that will blow your head off... scratchbuild Quarter anyone?
  20. Got my Sylphid today, man is the canopy fitting bad. But it's a beautiful fighter. Comparison with one of my few real-life jets
  21. Relax, it's just milk. ...right?
  22. No rockin' tits = not Heavy Metal Seeing Eastman's list of directors, I wouldn't mind seeing that movie made. I still have a 6ft. pile of the old magazines.
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