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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. I finished the novel and felt inspired enough to start painting my Sylphid kit
  2. no Lasers = not Science Fiction
  3. We have new evidence in this most important matter:
  4. The CFs we see in episode 2 are also a more greenish yellow than olive green, so the color is not too far fetched. Was there ever an official illustration of the VF-25 CF? I don't think they have the black and white chest stripes.
  5. That's a very interesting montage you made there. So Matrix is "Welt am Draht" with a Megazone 23 plot structure! Btw. "am Draht" = "on (the) line". Internet avant le lettre! I had a big WTF?! moment when I watched Matrix and they changed dimensions through the phones like in that obscure TV movie from '73 - and then even the rest of the concept turned out to be just the same.
  6. You could also say the author wasn't bold enough to take his concept one step further. And you can't be serious calling "Neuromancer" un-cinematic. While it may not have minute descriptions, it is full of very visual ideas. As for sophisticated SF movies, I think that "Children of Men" is one of the few that I can recommend to adults.
  7. In terms of life-altering experience, it would be "Alien". I was nine when I saw a tiny b/w photo in a magazine of the Space Jockey that had grown into his seat - I had nightmares for three days. Other pictures that haunted me where the strange orifices is the alien ship, the extendible jaws, the alien eggs, the doomed anti-hero crew in their Snowy White coffins - all just photos, years before I saw the movie. Later I got my hands on a book of the concept design for this movie, which introduced me to that field of work. Then came the photo novel, and I did not dare to look at the pictures of the split skull at the end. And when I finally saw it in the cinema around '84, it did surpass my expectations. "Odyssey" and "Star Wars" were great, but the did show me stuff in motion I'd seen before in illustrations, book covers or comics, but Ridley Scott and Giger opened up a door to an entirely different world.
  8. The rivets are easy to deal with, and the engines will be upgraded later in the development. But I agree that total stealthyness wasn't top priority in the design. Don't know if active stealth is still all the rage, though.
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulacron-3
  10. I'm still under the impression that the single figure in the top left cockpit closeup is more "equipped" than the others. Guess we will have to wait for dalong's review for confirmation.
  11. Auction is here: http://page9.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/k120555846
  12. They just pasted Grace's head onto Brera's body
  13. There seems to be another VF-171 kit around that actually has some surface details
  14. I'd rather have the basic version that is more on the affordable side, thank you.
  15. There still is the point that the F-35 costs a yet-unknown shitload of money.
  16. You should ask for a BJ and a gun pointed at your face while on the job. Works in "Password: Swordfish".
  17. I'd watch it for Weta's effects work.
  18. Hase has released photos fo the finished kit: http://www.hasegawa-model.co.jp/MC02/MC02-3/MC02-3.htm What a beauty.
  19. Well Russia's military export business in 2009 had a volume of 7.4 billion USD. About half of that were "aviation technologies" (not "air defence", i.e. misiles), and they currently try to push the MIG-35 for India's air force. Lybia has ordered a bunch of SU-35s, and there's a chance that the UAE wil follow. By 2020, we will see NATO T-50 in Turkey
  20. So Avatar is nominated for 9 Academy Awards. And District 9 is up for 4 and competing for "Best Motion Picture" - has this ever happened before, two SF movies up for "Best"?
  21. I remember seeing a diagram of vanes in the intakes shielding the engines from frontal exposure.
  22. No, they should start the mass production F-23, which is, as we all know, the better fighter anyway.
  23. The small vertical stabilizers give it a very elegant silhouette
  24. Don't tell me you missed this
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