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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. Best I found was this place.
  2. How about this one?
  3. No, that's the Kotobukiya injection plastic kit. The Toy Boys will have to wait for the Riobot stuff.
  4. One year and one Wonderfest later, Alter showed some unpainted prototypes of the Mave and the Flip Knight this time. Whatever that means.
  5. Phantastic work on a phantastic model. Good job with the refreshing paint scheme, too, it really brings the plane to life. Personally, I could live without the Minmay decal, but I know the opportunity was just too tempting. Did you make the stand yourself?
  6. Customs from Dengeki Hobby Magazine:
  7. What's the point of applying digital camo to RL military hardware anyway? It looks cool, but it must be a pain to mask a tank or fighter, and I wonder which theory justifies that effort. I guess it makes sense on uniforms, where you can just print the pattern.
  8. Phanstastic works! I want a kit of the Mustang!
  9. Because you can never have enough Alien artbooks: Alien Vault
  10. ...especially if they'd extrapolate the God's world from the Giger designs we see in the original Alien. "Paradise" would be a nightmare, but truly not from this world. Btw Giger did a piece that illustrated how the Aliens were part of a religious cult of the Space Jockey's race. IMO that made more sense than O'Bannon's idea of a coincidental infection.
  11. I found the stuff that looked like an exploded cow from the first movie far scarier. Where is Giger when you need him?
  12. That's the F/A-27C from the Yukikaze OVA. The kit (still unfinished) is from Platz. http://www.hlj.com/product/PLZX-11
  13. New PAK FA render from the absurdly brilliant guys at precise3dmodeling
  14. For your convenience:
  15. I'm quite happy about it, I just wish it were a bigger kit. This will be tricky to paint.
  16. Kotobukiya announced a plastic model kit of the Jehuty:
  17. For the enthusiasts, there's a 1/72 kit of the Black Pearl from Zvezda in the making http://www.zvezda.org.ru/?lng=1&nav=&cat=7&set=9037 More pics here: http://bruce-domain.blogspot.com/2011/02/nurnberg-2011-bilder-eichendorff-ii.html
  18. Now we totally need an Aerobot, too.
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