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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. Yup, that's the Gadessa, a really cool design from Gundam 00. I only think the original colors are horrible, so I made up a custom color scheme. I also put some stuff in the neck area.
  2. Gundam time on my workbench
  3. More (and bigger) pics at Hobbysearch
  4. Cylons! It's Battleship Galactica.
  5. Speaking of awesome: Cross-post from here
  6. I have the 1.4 TDI which has an official figure of 54 mpg in mixed conditions, and I had a trip without city traffic, at very moderate speed, so believe me that I got in at 68 mpg. There even was an "3L" edition of the model that had an official figure of 78 mpg. The car is, as Eugimon described, a soda can (aluminum space frame, less than 1.000 kgs) driven by a lawn mower engine (3 cylinders turbocharged diesel), but it drives like an Audi and makes you feel on the right branch of automotive evolution. The safety issue has become an arms race: The heavier your opponents get, the more armor you have to pack on your car... PS last year Audi presented the new A2 concept car with electric engine, aluminum and carbon body and a weight of 1,150 kg including the battery.
  7. Ok I got myself a new car at the beginning of the year and now went and visited an old friend in the north. The whole trip was 680 km and I made it with less than one filling of the tank. This means a fuel consumption of about 3,5 liter per 100 km. (that's 1,47 gallons per 100 miles for you aliens). Now, the car, an Audi A2, is from 2001. W T F ?! Obviously for the last ten years the majority of automotive engineers is busy placing more cupholders in the interiors or putting jet engines into the latest haute volée extravaganza, all the while promising us the electro-/hydrogen-/etc-engine is just around the corner, instead of building really efficient cars. /rant
  8. I spotted Luca Zampriolo aka LucaZ in the design crew. See his work at http://kallamity.com/
  9. Go to see it whooshing around. The rudder test at around 2 minutes looks totally cool.
  10. The Ship looks really good here And is that the Jockey's ship in hot pursuit - or escaping?
  11. Sad to see him go. The experience of his artworks in my youth, without exaggeration, changed my life.
  12. Wow, I hope you can show us more photos of the model when the film is out. And I'm glad that the age of physical props isn't over yet.
  13. Uh oh Dradis proximity alarm...
  14. The shape is a bit difficult to judge on those renders without the cockpit windows. Structurally, I think the canopy separation should work like on this kit of the Osprey.
  15. I marked the profile by drawing a section of the median plane into the available lineart. The division between the canopy windows gives a nice center line. But if you'd follow the angle of that line at the from of the windows, you'd miss the nose of the plane. So there has to be a (slight) change of angle in the profile at this point.
  16. Looking at the nose, I think the profile isn't supposed to be a continuos curve, there should be a subtle step at the front of the canopy windows. This isn't very visible in the profile line art, but in the cell sketch you posted on the previous page. Also, in the top 3/4 view of the line art, if you continue the division line between the front windows, you don't end up at the tip of the nose, so there must be a step in the curvature.
  17. Farewell to the creator of icons of Science Fiction.
  18. Sounds like a fair chance...
  19. ZOE Anubis Vic Viper is up for preorder, to be released in June: Linky
  20. How could you forget "Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo"?
  21. Do the 55k include your personal chiropractor?
  22. Looks like this when completed:
  23. Given the structural similarities, you should be able to borrow the gear from the VC-22. I also think the rear wheels should point outward more for stability.
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