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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. Alex Garland has impressed me with each of his works. Also great to see familiar faces from "Devs" in the cast.
  2. Masking the canopy.
  3. A hint of sunlight let me start painting the Intruder.
  4. Great old school vibes, let's see if they reach the Dagger before Orange Cat does.
  5. Would you say that someone who didn't read the book could enjoy it for the pretty pictures and the drama?
  6. When Ikuto Yamashita reposts your model in his timeline:
  7. Almost done with my Orange Cat Sol.
  8. Size
  9. Hideaki already finished theirs Also, you can learn from the instruction.
  10. I want to see it next to the Imai kit.
  11. Raw cinematic power, i love it already.
  12. One Reactive Armor Ingram to rule them all:
  13. Dark had great world building and character arcs, but the concept got very bloated in the later episodes. There are some graphics avaible if you really want to untie the knot of the timelines. It still comes to a satisfying solution IMO, unlike the recent time loop based "Bodies" on Netflix.
  14. Used the rare ray of sunlight to work on Sol Tekkaman. Once the paint is on the parts, construction proceeds swiftly. The custom mixed blue wouldn't go down smoothly so some parts had to be polished with compound. I wanted a glossy motorbike finish.
  15. ZOMG please stop pointing out all those little inaccuracies 😄 The only thing that sticks out IMO is the canopy frame, and that can be fixed.
  16. I agree that historical accuracy isn't a thing that makes or breaks a movie for me, though as a director, I would avoid some hair-rising ideas (like shooting the Pyramids), if I weren't entirely in the fantasy realm like Guy Ritchie's King Arthur. The Woman King to me was another example of a film with a great trailer that fell completely flat as a movie experience, excluding the history debate.
  17. Enojy this virtual tour of a comprehensive Giger expo in the Czech Republic https://matterport.com/discover/space/tKiynkEmTgj
  18. So I herd you like Valkyries...
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