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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. HLJ will have it, too: http://www.hlj.com/product/mdw66074
  2. Maybe it's just the weird angle of the photography. If it uses the Hase battroid as a base, the proportions can't be off too far.
  3. http://3dprintingindustry.com/2014/08/14/first-low-cost-sls-3d-printers-hit-scene/ 3D printing with SLS should continue to decrease with new players entering the market.
  4. First teaser poster was sighted, so up goes the thread. It's Neill Blomkamp - expect cool robots, Sharlto Copley, mad bureaucracy, gangsters, and dirt. Oh and it has Sigourney Weaver and Hugh Jackman, too. And Die Antwoord, google them at your own risk... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1823672/
  5. I dropped my well-read copy of "Neuromancer" on Neill Blomkamp's lawn last week for good measure... - VFX Guide has a comprehensive look at GoG's CG work and effects: http://www.fxguide.com/featured/the-vfx-of-guardians-of-the-galaxy/
  6. It certainly took a long time until those 70's SF visions were done right on the big screen. Now I'm waiting for a good Cyberpunk movie...
  7. Gundam Hobby Life magazine recently had an S-Gundam modded by Naoki with a comprehensive coverage of the changes he made. It re-ignited my motivation to give the MG a spin! http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10252749a/20/1
  8. I love the Sentinel designs, but the under-inspired HGUC kits drove me to buy the GFF Ex-S. It hovers nicely in my display and does everything I need. I still have a MG S-Gundam waiting for some magic, though.
  9. Is that the HGUC? Nice work on the gun.
  10. FYI, Tamiya acrylic aluminium is better (= smaller metal flakes) than Tamiya acrylic silver. Turn X! Mead's designs are made for metallic surfaces, with a hint of orange or blue pinstripes on top, please.
  11. Judging from his previous movie, the director has a very different approach to the superhero genre. Which is a good thing. After all, how many additional lycra-clad action figures do we need on the big screen?
  12. Very nice color scheme, and I love the A head.
  13. Say what you want about the Dolores design, but that's a nice box art.
  14. Hopes are high that this will not be your usual FF Movie. http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Fantastic-Four-Have-Found-Footage-Feel-43635.html and from Kate Mara:
  15. Impressive work on an awesome design. I like the simple, but effective presentation, too. Thanks for sharing.
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