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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. I mostly work with a paint:thinner ratio of 2:1 with Tamiya acrylics. Fortunately, I collected a lot of those semi-transparent containers for 24mm films when they were still around. They're perfect to store mixed paints.
  2. I hope it will be a bit more accessible than GITS Innocence.
  3. I Never really cared for the design, but your kit looks spectacular! Congratulations for another step forward.
  4. Scratchbuilt 1/60 Mave here: http://www.fg-site.net/archives/3297299
  5. Decals are on: Thank you. Fine Molds made a really great kit - on sale at HJL right now: http://www.hlj.com/product/FNMSW-11/Sci You can see my finished work here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/romansland/sets/72157624704427434/
  6. If you can't remaster the Original Trilogy's movies one more time (yet), there's still the original comic series to make over. http://www.theforce.net/story/front/Remastered_Marvel_Star_Wars_Adaptation_Coming_161575.asp While Howard Chaykin is one of my all time favorite comic artist, the distinctive, abstract style he had in his early days is completely ruined from issue #2 on, where Steve Leialoha takes over the inking from Chaykin. The massive plastering of text balloons isn't helpful, either. Here's an example of the remastered/re-colored issue: You find an entertaining look at the original comics here: http://comicbook.com/blog/2014/07/16/touring-marvels-star-wars-1-vader-needs-a-drink/
  7. Looks like it. I used it on my 1/144 Falcon, and it works great giving life to those surfaces. You should thin the paint a bit more than normal, and don't worry if you wander off the selected areas. Irregularity is wanted here.
  8. Considering the big names that are associated with the product, the result looks rather underwhelming: I think the final execution unfortunately accentuates the weak basic design of the machine. It would look better with a heavy weathered paint scheme.
  9. You have the perfect setup for an interesting weathering effect: Spray the lighter color only in the center of the hull panels in an irregular fashion. This will leave the panel lines slightly accentuated, looks great on aircraft models. Optionally, if you want a cleaner look, you can choose the overspray method you described. I suggest mixing white or light gray with clear, it's easier to achieve a homogenous coverage this way.
  10. I use a small block of wood that I put on the desk, then place the sprues on top in a way that the wood supports the spot where I cut the part. That is especially helpful if you cut clear parts like aircraft canopies.
  11. If you had doubts that Bandai could ever rival the Fine Molds kits (like me), look at this expertly painted Bandai X-Wing:
  12. ESA not only makes comet chasing space probes, but also cool promo videos
  13. Looks like a movie prop. Great work.
  14. I think Katoki really got the feet wrong on the Deltas. They would look much better with the Zetaplus or S-Gundam's feet.
  15. I would donate my 1/72 Grace if someone _desperately_ wants to put her in his 1/60 DX.
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