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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. A little bit of tweaking, and you have a cool fighter...
  2. I like the actors & the look of this. If it's only half as good as chronicle, it's a winner for me.
  3. I bet it won't even have the wings this time...
  4. Sorry for the mess, but my head just exploded...
  5. Edgar Froese, founder of electronic music pioneers Tangerine Dream, passed away last week. Here's a hypnotic piece from their soundtrack to Michael Mann's "Thief":
  6. We reached the point where the new cargo planes look cooler than the new fighters...
  7. For the closed landing gear doors, I recommend going over the whole area with polyester putty, like Mori Mori. I gives you a good surface to re-scribe the panel lines after sanding everything smooth.
  8. The 400M project gets quite a bashing in the press. After years of delay, the first machines were to be delivered with limited capabilities within this year, now even this date is questioned. The current 400Ms seem have no missile defense system, so they can't replace the ages old Transall as a frontline support.
  9. Better burn your money here: http://www.buildmillenniumfalcon.com/
  10. How many A400Ms are in service? Luftwaffe got it's first machine in December, a second is planned for the end of this year.
  11. Ta-daa: http://page4.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/d162668027
  12. TV spot - maybe a bit misleading
  13. I hope it isn't the next John Carter.
  14. Too bad they can be easily wiped out with a helicopter...
  15. The artificial mind and human-machine merging of GITS fits much better to contemporary themes than Appleseed's human-robot conflicts, which always have been little more than a backdrop for B-Movie action material. Anyway, they're late to the party. The best time for a live-action GITS would have been ten years ago.
  16. Tons of concept art, there's even some kind of mecha near the end: http://lookbook.jupiterascending.com/intl/uk/
  17. Found at Gundam Guy:
  18. http://herocomplex.latimes.com/movies/ghost-in-the-shell-scarlett-johansson-casting-a-blow-to-diversity/
  19. Remember this guy? Go here for more: http://gundamguy.blogspot.de/2015/01/16-scale-msh-06-humansize-custom-build.html
  20. I'll have to get the art book for sure. It's amazing to see Chappie's functional-as-a-lawnmower design support both his role as a menacing police drone as well as a robotic child.
  21. You can see the model on Jackman's desktop in the trailer #2.
  22. I remembered the infamous "well, it was better than Twilight" category from the "worst SciFi" thread, then I imagined the studio thinking that if you need a robotic actor, get Kristen Steward... Watch the first movie of the original trilogy, then jump straight to Fincher's version. The other two films are not as bad as the books, but only for Noomi Rapace, and they feel much like made for TV.
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