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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. That is one cool looking instruction sheet.
  2. The new series has a lot of interesting designs.
  3. The JSF might be the best aircraft of it's kind that can be built today, but it's also another cycle in the great how-to-not-learn-from-past-mistakes loop.
  4. For $35 millions, you can get one of these beauties:
  5. More nice what-if schemes from Tomytec:
  6. We've put a Gundam in your Gundam so you can... uhm, never mind.
  7. Theme parks seem to be stuck in the bigger-and-more-of-it dilemma, but we've seen directors like Matt Reeves (Cloverfield) or Gareth Edwards (Monsters) re-inventing genre movie recently. Maybe the Next Dinosaur works better on a smaller scale.
  8. If there's an artists supply store in your vicinity, search for artists gouaches. Same thing, and available in a wide range of colors. I've been using these for years, no hassle with interim coats or fumes, and easy to correct.
  9. The UX-01 is the next item in Bandai's Mecha Collection line: Too bad it will most likely be even smaller than the Mekakore version.
  10. The AAA Wunder is the next release in Wave's WHAM series:
  11. I pity the fool who expects historical accuracy from a Hollywood movie...
  12. I think Boyle's movie looks pretty cool from the trailer, Fassbender brings a lot of energy to his role. Apple should just pay him to play their CEO from now on.
  13. It's really creepy to see David the Android running the world's leading consumer technology company:
  14. That seems to be quite popular, you can get it from Tomytec as a 1/144 pre-painted kit or a 1/72 Hasegawa version (re-boxed Revell/Italeri?)
  15. It would be cool to make a deal with Kurosawa to get his missile models casted.
  16. A pretty impressive build of the gargantuan Domelaze kit with lights and details added, and a custom paintjob: http://madhatterscaleworks.blogspot.com.au/2015/06/well-time-for-daylight-shots-i-think.html
  17. That came out nicely! Good luck with the next steps.
  18. Some people seem to sugar-coat their memories. I'd take a preachy Cameron over the combination of Jake Lloyd, Jar-Jar and Midichlorians any time. If it weren't for the Darth Maul fight, TPM's cringe factor would be off the scale. Anyway, wasn't this the Tirmynator thread?
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