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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. Platz' 1/72 Yukikaze & Mave kits are re-released in September: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10042960 http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10031792
  2. Things left to do: - add replacement Builders Parts hands - modify gun handle - finishing touches on the backpack - apply more decals
  3. Those are Bandai's waterslides for the HGUC Unicorn. I ordered a couple of sheets & now I can katokify anything. The Anaheim logos are from a Sentinel sheet. IMO the added graphics work wonders on the ZII design. I have finished the legs now and the whole thing looks like a really expensive designer toy
  4. I should have bought a spare Regult and go all Giger on it...
  5. I started to Katokify my ZII and can confirm that painting the leg thrusters is a real pain. Everything else is going nicely, and I appreciate the stickers for the little yellow bits. I'll definitely leave off the bazookas.
  6. I always imagined the Zentraedi stuff being "grown" rather that bolted together, so it would be interesting to do some more organic decay on the surfaces and all kind of liquids leaking out.
  7. The Viggen's last flight was in 2007, it's successor is the Gripen, introduced in '93. The latest Viggen updates, the JA37 D, were on the same level regarding avionics and weapon systems as the Gripen. Here's an interview with an ex-Viggen pilot with some informative bits: http://www.milavia.net/specials/iv_viggen/
  8. The sound of thunder...
  9. The MF Ghosts are proportionally different, but structurally similar, so the Bandai kits should provide some help, too. Good photo reference here: http://dalong.net/review/etc/mf05/mf05_p.htm
  10. So there's a manga version of Alpha coming, but it is not drawn by Shirow, but Iō Kuroda. http://www.amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/4063884228/morningmanga-22
  11. There will be a lengthy running sequence before he catches up with it first.
  12. Loose assembly Hope to finish it before my Lightning Zeta arrives.
  13. So I saw this yesterday and found it pretty intense, but
  14. Zeta II in progress I wasn't a fan of the original design until I saw it in Katoki's colors (I will skip the splinter scheme, though).
  15. PLUM is a pretty small manufacturer that has offered great niche IP kits like Murakamo or Power Dolls. Shown at Wonder Festival was a prototype of the unique plane from Honneamise: Some more pics here: http://stevethefish.net/life/wonfes2015/page2.htm
  16. Check out this DWG262 in 1/48! Pic taken from stevethefish's blog, more at his Wonder Festival report here: http://stevethefish.net/life/wonfes2015/page2.htm
  17. Kotobukiya's Anubis is on sale (50%) at HLJ!
  18. I got back to my ZII and pimped it a little: I also did some sharpening on the chin:
  19. A fake news from the french radiocockpit blog made it into the headlines today. http://www.radiocockpit.fr/2015/07/16/le-pilote-dun-avion-de-chasse-grec-se-pose-illegalement-en-turquie-pour-retirer-de-largent-au-distributeur/ My (german) newspaper devoted a quarter page to this.
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