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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. Ok the High Resolution kit is 1/100. It looks amazing: I wonder if there are metal parts on it.
  2. Some more - Shiny Mega Shiki Supergraze: Powerbunny:
  3. I want all of them... Is the high resolution model 1/100 or IBO's Real Grade?
  4. Apparently, the BR2 production builds up some momentum. Recently, Ryan Gosling confirmed he's part of the show, and now Scott described a possible opening scene, which goes back to early versions of the original BR script and emphasizes the Noir element of the movie. http://www.slashfilm.com/blade-runner-2-opening/
  5. The First Order TIEs have HOTAS cockpits now:
  6. Since everybody already forgot how the plot came together - "Memento" gets a remake.
  7. R2 has re-tooled the old AMT kit of the USS Excelsior - with great results: http://www.collectormodel.com/round2-models/2427-star-trek-models-u-s-s-excelsior-new-part-preview/
  8. I Clan assure you that neither looks like brass.
  9. Some interesting future releases of unique planes: 1/72 Victor from Airfix (new molds, not a reboxing of the old Matchbox kit) 1/48 Vought XF5U-1from Kitty Hawk Model
  10. They better go with the earlier Plan B and launch from a transporter. http://www.ninfinger.org/models/vault/HOTOL/HOTOL&An-225.jpg
  11. Big Pics of the Super Messiah at Hobbysearch: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10343500/10/0
  12. How about a small Destroid?
  13. Just re-watched it after decades, boy is it slooow in the first half. But once the action starts, it still entertaining. And the special effects (flight scenes, actors in the cockpits, scale model shots) hold up really well after 30+ years.. Here's a nice BTS:
  14. This is the New Generation of Macross garage kits!
  15. They forgot to add some visual perks for the upgraders...
  16. Here's a reference shot of my Fine Molds kit, the size is perfect if you're on limited display estate.
  17. Here are new pics of the Striker: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10353821/10/0 Nice kit, but it comes at whopping 12.800 Yen
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