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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. Interesting subject, but the kit lacks the elegance of the lineart. The canopy looks too big, too. S.H.E did it better IMO
  2. Maybe it's another Ace Combat child pilot...?
  3. Here we go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EI6lHttOvBI
  4. Large Pics More at Taghobby
  5. I just realized that these are actually ACTIVE STEALTH spells...
  6. Hobbysearch lists the series as toys, although the description says "assembly required", and the parts come on runners. It even has LEDs in the engines. No idea of the scale, though, looks like 1/100. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10355260 Thunderbird 2 doesn't look too bad, too: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10355259/10/0
  7. Now with color:
  8. Yes, one from Algeria.
  9. That's why you better write some comprehensive instructions on your plane:
  10. NICE! Thunderbirds Real Kit 03 by Takaratomy
  11. The usual comprehensive look at the Super kit is up at Hobbysearch: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10343500
  12. You'd think that development within one company would be easier than with four different countries.
  13. Niehei's BLAME! gets animated, also by Polygon Pictures. Full weirdness ahead. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-11-19/tsutomu-nihei-blame-manga-gets-theatrical-anime-adaptation/.95551
  14. Yeah, but only on their elite forces. AKA the plot device where we need to put two people into one of these.
  15. The Alien merchandise is still going strong: Watch these Neca Cinemachines
  16. Since I started using ProCamera's HDR function on my iPhone, reality has become pretty boring without the virtual LSD...
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