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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. There's a new Major in town... http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-3/wave-2016年7月發售-16-multi-material-action-figure-universal-act-style-series《攻殼機動隊-新劇場版/
  2. I'm considering the FFG Tantive IV, someone at another board is going for re-paint, and I'm looking forward to see what you can do with it.
  3. Keep in mind that the two versions of the canopy are included in each kit (AFAIR), but the cockpit and pilot parts are exclusive to the J (SDFM) and S (DYRL).
  4. Just go for the Hase 1/48 kits The J has the SDFM cockpit, and the S is DYRL. And you have the different canopies & pilots.
  5. I have one of the Yamato Mecha Collection kits and it has all the detail you can possibly get into it at that scale, including super fine protruding fins and sharp edges. But 10 cm is really really small.
  6. Contrary to what their name implies, some LE kits do get a re-release, at least on their "real" aircraft line of kits.
  7. So Bandai is giving us a long awaited Star Destroyer - and then it's only 10 cm long!?
  8. One advice, though - I sprayed pure smoke on the inside of a canopy and ended up with a frosted look, got it clear again after applying some goss clear on top. So it would be better to use a mix of smoke and gloss coat from the beginning.
  9. I highly recommend the novelization of ROTS; Dooku, for example, has a longer internal monologue about his view on the Clone War that adds a gravitas to his character that is completely lost in the movie. I also thought that his speech to the captured Obi Wan could have been a brilliant turning point, what if we wasn't the traitor to the Jedi, but actually the starting point of the rebellion? Instead, he turned to a cardboard bad guy seconds later. There were promising stories in the PT, but the execution was miserable.
  10. Aah, the old days of modding no grade kits Hobby Japan style when we had nothing better to do... Here's the old 1/144 Shiki, I must have added a whole centimeter in height. The feet were re-cast from the S-Gundam. Unfortunately, I chose a cheap looking acrylic gold for the paint job, that finally kept me from finishing it. I also found another pic of my old Zetaplus with the Hummingbird scheme:
  11. Don't forget that Vader could sense Luke's Force-Fu when he was chasing his X-Wing at the Death Star Battle. The simple explanation is that Vader was nobody's father until the script for Empire was written.
  12. I have no problems rooting for a character that isn't a goodie-two-shoes golden boy hero. In those shows you mentioned, the characters, as bad as they may be, are humans after all and they face human dilemmas, and have to make choices at one point. That results in some kind of drama that makes these shows interesting. I don't find that in the SS movie (yet). Still, the Avengers movies showed how to challenge indestructible and similar one-dimensional (or so I thought) protagonists, so maybe there is still something to discover amidst badasses posing around and blowing things up.
  13. The visuals are all there, but I wonder why I should care for any of the characters.
  14. According to the latest news, the German Tornados operating from Incirlik can't fly night missions because the cockpit lighting is too bright... - Also, Skynet presented their first Aerial Hunter Killer prototype:
  15. Trailer pics in speculative timeline: http://m.imgur.com/a/poOmz
  16. Katofication in progress... I like the HGUC's proportions better than the MG's, but I still had to add 2 mm at the mid-body part.
  17. Say what you want, Cloverfield is my favorite Giant Monster movie. The new trailer looks interesting, this can go in any direction... IMDB says: "Waking up from a car accident, a young woman finds herself in the basement of a man who says he's saved her life from a chemical attack that has left the outside uninhabitable."
  18. Lots of new pics here: http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-2/2016年1月14日-tomytec新製品説明會2016冬-技mix-1144-series/
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