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Everything posted by jc07

  1. notice that the head laser is movie colors , metallic joints, But the knee color is TV colors. so it's movie+tv colors?
  2. Looks whiter than the super parts bundle version or is it just the lighting?
  3. Finished my review on the VF-27. http://ignitionmode.net/toysbox/dx-chogoki...-sterne-custom/ any comments or suggestions are welcome since it's my first review.
  4. just got my vf-27, some paint chips out of the box, no serious damage though, still havent transformed to battroid.
  5. vf-27 looks good, can you pose it in shooting stance, the one they showed a lot in the anime?
  6. looks just right with super parts on
  7. apparently you can use the 2nd part of the neck extension of the ozma on alto, now with longer neck
  8. sorry but my camera sucks compared with ozma armored
  9. any reviews on the new vf-25f?
  10. the dx vf-27 actually looks better than the model kit but the price is the same as a vf with super parts
  11. very nice, it seems to fit the dx just right
  12. i just like to share a quick snap of my armored ozma, only dx i own for now...
  13. http://www.amiami.com/shop?vgForm=ProductI...ate=review.html new pictures of the final product, looks really detailed
  14. looks awesome, almost exactly as the line art, but the head looks different from the one at gamu website, i guess they transformed it differently.
  15. anyone knows if that armor pack is compatible with the 1st issue of the alto unit? or is it just for the reissue compatible
  16. DX vf-25f super messiah alto movie version http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-108145-1-1.html looks like light blue colors for the super parts
  17. i see, also i noticed something like sprue marks... @anotheran nice reviews, you should pick up a super pack for alto, seems like he's the only one left out in your collection
  18. just got my armored and is it to have paint chips brand new? or is it just bad quality control, bought from the store btw, other than that this look amazing, more cooler than the model kit in my opinion
  19. has anyone seen this? the new super packs are still baby blue? http://www.toyark.com/news/attachment.php?...achmentid=10390
  20. anyone tried putting the armor on alto's unit? with the improve neck
  21. the armored vf-25s seems like there are less decals than the model kit version...
  22. it looks way better from far away, it looks like alto's suit color and the super parts are the same?
  23. I don't see anything different with the base color white, or maybe it's just me?
  24. LOL, the photoshop looks a hundred times better
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