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Everything posted by fernandofaria

  1. I used the lines on the plastic as a guide for the scriber. Remember that the plastic for this macross zero serie , is Very soft . So , the cuting is very easy . but you have to take care to do not cut to much . After the primary scribing , I used the scapel to do the final cut .... that's it .
  2. Hi Grahan. I will finish it as the ivanov machine . Here is the original image that inspired me to do the conversion.
  3. the challenge .....
  4. more close ups
  5. the cutting ....
  6. Ok . thank you guys . Here is some images from the fisrt step of the conversion . This is the parts break down . It was the most dificult part , because the shoulder ,the base of the wing , and part of the leg are the same piece . And , of course , every cut had to be done in the up and botton sides of the mais body. For cutting , I basicaly used a tamiya scriber , and a surgical scapel. The arms and Knee , I took from a gundam kit , the HG The O . The hand and elbow , came from and old grifon labor kit . There is lots of wave detail parts , and evergreen plastic too . Oh , and it take me about 50 hours ( in two weeks) to complete the conversion . The only reference material that I had , was the picts from the macros zero web site . So , I hope its acurate enough
  7. YEP .... I have lots of images from the process. I will post them tomorrow , with some explanations . thank you for the interest ....
  8. close-ups
  9. Hy guys ....this is my wip sv-51 gerwalk . I called it as a Yes -No project , because YES , I had a lot of fun doing it , but NO , I will not do it again ....ha ha ... I am posting the finished parts , all pinned , and ready for the primer . If you want it , I can post detailed images of the conversion . I hope you like .
  10. I always thought that Slave 1 was inspired by an Elephants head. Graham Does someone realized that the federation tank from episode 1 , is a copy of the slave 1? just compare the form and details ... my opinion , of course ....
  11. Hi . I made some gundam kits with german markings , and I always used these two decal sheets : http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?TAM66638 http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?TAM66526. You can buy them at HLJ. happy modeling .
  12. Ok , Its umbelivable . Somebody already have a finished vf-0B in yahoojapan . http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h15527900 Who is this guy ? What a wonderfull work ....
  13. Hi Everybody. I just bought the HGUC GELGOOG JAGER at Raibow 10. The funny thing is , that I paid only 960 yenes for the model . And I know that the price , as listed at HLJ , is 1200 yenes . I am not complainning about it . But if you want to buy one , here is the code at their site . BANDAI HGUC45 1/144 MS-14JG GELGOOG JAGER
  14. Hi DARTHTODD. Those Aliens models came from a konami serie , know as Gashapons. These are from the second alien serie . I just received the first one , and the details are amazing . You can found then at ebay , just search konami and alien .
  15. The 0080 is my all time favorite from the gundam series . Amazing designs and a greta story . Bandai will have, in march, the HGUC for the Gelgoog J too . I just cant wait , its my favorite from that series . But , I like a lot the zaku FZ . take a look on the model I made a couple of years ago . http://utenti.lycos.it/gundamthebest3/twodescphotos18.html
  16. Nice diecasts too , thanks for the images .It would be great to have the su-47. That russian fighters image , I got it at the Airliners.net web site ( great images) Anyway , any of you know the Xbox game Air force delta storm ? They have increadible paint jobs on the cg airplanes , specialy the su-47
  17. nice looking fighter . But I still like these ones
  18. Hi . You can easily found the vf2ss in the Raibow ten web page http://www.rainbowten.co.jp/english/index.html look in Today stock list , character. You will find the macross kits on the end of bandai list . they have it in stock all the time good shopping
  19. Thank you Guys ..... I will try those links . But my next Macross kits I will post here . bye
  20. Hi . I used to have all my gundam models at the gundam.com , but as they closed the site , I am looking for a good gundam gallery to post my work . I have too some Fss kits , but I never saw a good gallery too .
  21. Hello . Just to confirm , that's my monster kit at AMA . And it is the Arri 1/160 plastic model ... It took me three months to complete , and lots of wave detail parts . I Would like to see more completed monsters in the forum .
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