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Cannon Fodder

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  1. After my last post , I went into the painting , and the flat base I used ( testors ) , almost ruined everything . So I had to start the paint job again .. . Maybe next month I can start it again ......
  2. This is a composition with 3d model, retoched photos and ilustrations . I am trying to make a portfolio with matte paintings and ilustrations . I think this is a good start ...
  3. Yep . Its finished .......But , I need to find time to do some descent photos . I almost ruined it on the decals .(That skull was terrible to adjust.) Now , I want another sv-51 to do a black fighter , to put side by side with the gerwalk . So , I will buy this new version , and if someone want those busters , just tell me .
  4. Well , I really want to buy another sv-51 , but the two kits are out of stock . So , I can buy the kit and sell the booster to anyone that want it , because I realy dont need them . Other people could offer the same thing . What do you think ?
  5. You know what? That was what I thought at first. well , then take a look of this ....
  6. Since when the looney toones became the Swat Cats ?
  7. I use a Brazilian model named GATTI AG-3. it have internal mix, dual action and with left-hand or right hand capabillities. its made of metal , so the wheight is perfect on the hand. And its durable . I am using the same model for the last 15 years . very easy to clean , and you can change the cup for 5 diferent sizes ... you can see it at this link. http://www.aerografosgatti.hpg.ig.com.br/aero.htm
  8. Well , the great differenve in my sv-51 and vf-0b gerwalks , is that they will be fixed models . So , without the need of functional joints ,I will be able to put more details. I am planning a more detailed painting too . with more pannels and shades . Of course , I am tooking some liberties with these macross kits , but , its the way I like to work . Just see my monster kit .
  9. Whew !!!! Thats what I cal a gerwalk flood ... You realy like to keep the suspence , didnt you ? Thank you a lot , not only you gave me a nice view of the gerwalk mode , but I always wanted that official image of the vf-0b . you saved my project thanks ....
  10. Well , since my next project is a vf-ob gerwalk , do you have any pict in your colection ? thanks a lot for the posts ....
  11. Thank you again AlphaHX.... great images .... do you know who did it ? I have a lot of questions to him ...
  12. hi AlphaHX. That transforming sv-51 is yours ? its an amazing work . And if I have saw it before , it could helped me a lot on my gerwalk . do you have other images? thank you for the post
  13. Sure . To make this conversion , I found all material here in the foruns , in the macross zero official site and in the model graphix magazine. . Surprisely , I didnt found any line drawing of the gerwalk . Does someone have it ? And you will need to buy these kits for the construction of the arms: Griffon labor (1/60 bandai) , The O (bandai 1/144) . To detail the rest of the model , you will need of lots of wave and kotobukiya detail sets .
  14. ops . I made two errors . First one , in the last post I was trying to say , "The painting will be in ANOTHER one. sorry , bad typing ... Second error : my picts on this post are finished ... not the post itself . Please , keep posting . I would like to know if someone else wants to do the same conversion , or another one . (my next project is the vf0-b gerwalk) . If there is something that I can help , just ask ...
  15. Hi Jinnai . I hope you can finish your sv-51 very soon . I have a great interest in see it finished . It was in this topic that I got my idea to do the gerwalk version . I was just waiting Hase to release the ivanov version . My gerwalk is now ready to paint . Thanks for the idea . Get well soon , and keep modeling
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